Pediatric and adolescent injury in snowboarding
Published in Research in Sports Medicine, 2018
Kelly Russell, Erin Selci
Five studies described length of hospital stay or using an injury severity scale (Table 4). The Injury Severity Score (ISS) is a 75-point scoring system based on anatomical location and the squared Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) value of the top three injuries where the higher the ISS, the more severe the injury (Baker, O’Neill, Haddon, & Long, 1974). The Pediatric Trauma Score (PTS) grades the severity of child injury by measuring six components with a lower score indicating higher mortality risk, the minimum score is −6 and the maximum score is +12 (Tepas, Ramenofsky, Mollitt, Gans, & DiScala, 1988). The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) assesses brain functioning and ranges from 3 to 15 based on eye opening, verbal, and motor response; a lower GCS indicates a more severe injury (Jennett, 2002). The AIS uses a 6-point injury scale, with 1 indicating a minor injury and 6 a fatal event (Committee on Injury Scaling, 1980).