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New lossless compression method for BMP true color images
Published in Xiaoling Jia, Feng Wu, Electromechanical Control Technology and Transportation, 2017
BMP (Bitmap) is the standard image file format on Microsoft Windows operating system and it is a bitmap image file format. Typical color depths (the number of bits per pixel) of the BMP image include 1, 4, 8 and 24, which make the BMP image have abundant picture information (Song and Ye 2011), so the compression effect of BMP is not obvious. Therefore, BMP is limitedly used for the gray-scale image and the commonly used method is Run Length Encoding (RLE), which also has its own limitations. RLE can achieve ideal compression efficiency when the color information in the image has very high repetition. On the contrary, this compression method will only increase the data volume while any two adjacent pixels are not same. BMP never provides any compression method for the true color image to save the storage space. Therefore, designing a fast and efficient lossless compression method to extend the application range of the BMP file is of great interest.
Introduction to Digital Image Processing
Published in Vipin Tyagi, Understanding Digital Image Processing, 2018
There are a number of digital image file types available these days. The most commonly used image file types are: JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG and BMP. Image file types are based on the compression technique used for reducing the size of the image file. Images in various file types may differ in color, if color has been used. An image in its simplest form may contain only two intensities, i.e., black and white, and needs only 1 bit to represent intensity at each pixel.TIFF (Tagged Image File Format): This format is a very flexible and may be based on a lossy or lossless compression technique. The details of the compression technique are stored in the image itself. Generally, TIFF files use a lossless image storage format and, hence, are quite large in size.Portable Network Graphics (PNG): This format is a lossless storage format and uses patterns in the image to compress the image. The compression in PNG files is exactly reversible, meaning the uncompressed image is identical to the original image.Graphical Interchange Format (GIF): This format creates a table of upto 256 colors from 16 million colors. If the image to be compressed has less than 256 colors, then the GIF image has exactly the same color. But if the number of colors is greater than 256, then the GIF approximates the colors in the image using a table of the 256 colors that are available.Joint Picture Experts Group (JPG or JPEG): This format is an optimized format for photographs and continuous tone images that contain a large number of colors. JPEG files can achieve high compression ratios while maintaining clear image quality.RAW: This is a lossless image format available on some digital cameras. These files are very small but the format is manufacturer dependent, therefore, the manufacturer’s software is required in order to view the images.Bitmapped Image (BMP) is an uncompressed proprietary format invented by Microsoft.
An Overview of Digital Audio Steganography
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2020
Hrishikesh Dutta, Rohan Kumar Das, Sukumar Nandi, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna
Several computer softwares also have been developed using steganography. Steganos, privacy software that gives effective protection for data and password, makes use of steganography. Mandelsteg is a program that hides secret information in fractal graphics interchange format (GIF) images providing a high privacy to the confidential information [8]. It stores data in specified bit of image pixels. Outguess is another software that uses steganography to hide information images. Some other steganography softwares include Hide and Seek, Jpeg-Jsteg, StegoDos, and White Noise Storm to name a few. The development of a steganography implementation for the reception of the Turkey's president has been discussed in [24]. The identity of the guests are first encrypted and then embedded in their photos using the LSB technique on bitmap (BMP) images.
Finite element analysis of 2-D tubular braided composite based on geometrical models to study mechanical performances
Published in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022
Ali Gholami, Garrett W. Melenka
The 2-D images taken by CT were imported into NRECon software (NRECON, Bruker, Belgium) to reconstruct the 2-D cross-sectional images like the image shown in Figure 6c. These images are 8-bit bitmap (BMP), and the size of the created images were 2452 2452 pixels. A 3-D model of the scanned TBC is generated after importing the cross-section images into CTAn software (Bruker-MicroCT, Kontich, Belgium). The result is shown in Figure 7a. Also, the virtual geometrical model of the scanned TBC is generated by the TBC-Gen, and SolidWorks and is shown in Figure 7b for comparison with the CT model.
Drying of non-chemically prepared nanofibrillated cellulose from lime residue: Effects of drying methods on fiber morphology, physicochemical properties and redispersibility
Published in Drying Technology, 2023
Jirayu Phankijnant, Naphaporn Chiewchan, Sakamon Devahastin
NFC diameters were estimated from FE-SEM images using ImageJ (version 1.52a; National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). Each FE-SEM image was stored in a bitmap format (*.bmp) at the resolution of 1280 × 1024 pixel. An original image was cropped to the size of 1280 × 960 pixel. Image analysis was performed by choosing five areas of interest (each with the size of 426 × 320 pixel) from the four corners and center of each image. Ten fibers were randomly selected from each cropped area and the width of each fiber was measured. Such procedures were repeated for the other five images from the same sample. Therefore, 300 fibers were measured for each sample.