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The Immune System
Published in Alan G. Heath, Water Pollution and Fish Physiology, 2018
The specific immune response must be induced in reaction to individual antigens. These are specific molecules, usually protein, that are on the surface of foreign organisms such as bacteria or viruses, or are toxins secreted by those organisms. Antigens are basic to the recognition of non-self by the various components of the immune system. An antigen is transported by the monocytes to melanomacrophage “centers” of the anterior kidney and spleen where the antigen is presented to lymphocytes that are responsible for producing the antibodies, and to T cells which are specific for that particular antigen. The transporting and presenting of an antigen by monocytes is referred to as antigen processing.
Preparation, properties, applications and outlook of graphene-based materials in biomedical field: a comprehensive review
Published in Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2023
Luyang Yao, Anqi Chen, Li Li, Yu Liu
GBMs have been reported as vaccine delivery vectors and immune adjuvants [147]. This material can be effectively internalized by dendritic cells and increase the capability of antigen presentation of immune cells. On the other hand, the immunogenicity of the material itself can enhance the immune system reactivity and promote the proliferation and differentiation of lymphocytes [80]. Yin et al. [141] reported an injectable hydrogel mRNA vaccine formed by GO and PEI, in which immune adjuvant (R848) and ovalbumin-encoded mRNA were encapsulated by π–π stacking and electrostatic interaction, significantly increased the number of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. Xu et al. [142] developed a multi-functional nano-vaccine platform that used PEGylated rGO nanosheet as the vaccine carrier, rGO-PEG induces intracellular ROS in dendritic cells (DCs) to guide antigen processing and presentation to T cells, and a single injection of rGO-PEG vaccine induces an effective antigen-specific T cell response that last 30 days. A study evaluated the effects of GO nanosheets on synaptic formation in DC and DC-T cells and observed size-dependent interactions: GO with diameters >1 µm showed strong adhesion to the DC surface, while GO with diameters ≈500 nm was primarily internalized by DCs [148].
A convenient fluorometric test method for skin sensitization using glutathione in chemico
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2021
Geon Ho Kim, Dong Ho Cha, Mahesh R. Nepal, Tae Cheon Jeong
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), an occupational and environmental disease associated with immune reactions, results from skin sensitization (Gerberick et al. 2007; Kim et al. 2019b, 2018). It is generally accepted that skin sensitization is triggered through four key events of the adverse outcome pathway (AOP), which are (1) covalent binding of sensitizer to either thiol or amino group of skin proteins, (2) activation of keratinocytes to secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines, (3) antigen processing and presentation by dermal dendritic cells, and (4) stimulation of T cells (Bezerra et al. 2021; Kolle, Landsiedel, and Natsch 2020; MacKay et al. 2013). The re-exposure to the same sensitizing chemical might lead to ACD by triggering inflammatory processes responsible for the cutaneous lesion attributed to activated hapten-specific T cells (Guedes et al. 2017; Marigliani et al. 2019).
Differentially expressed long-chain noncoding RNAs in human neuroblastoma cell line (SH-SY5Y): Alzheimer’s disease cell model
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2019
Ming Zhang, Yuan-Qing Zhang, Xie-Ze Wei, Charles Lee, Dong-Sheng Huo, He Wang, Zhi-Ying Zhao
The significant pathways for predicting the target gene were identified according to the KEGG database. The significantly enriched pathways noted were as follows: 1) neuroactive ligand–receptor interaction; 2) antigen processing and presentation; 3) glycosaminoglycan degradation; and 4) Notch signaling pathway (Figure 6).