Online and/or print access to full journals
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Article Pass
Token-based access to individual articles - packages starting at 50 tokens
Subscribe to entire journals of your choice for a more comprehensive view of a specialized subject area.
Subscriptions are available in online and/or print access for most of our 2,800+ journals, and plans can be tailored to your needs.
Why choose subscriptions?
- Tailor your collection on a title-by-title basis
- Access content published since 1997 when you purchase the current volume year of any given title
- Combine print and online access or opt for online access only
- Work with a dedicated sales representative to tailor a customized package for your organization
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Subscribe to an entire collection to ensure you have access to a specific key subject or research area and all content published since 1997.
Why choose our Collections?
- Tailor your content to your specific specialist area
- Choose from 24 subject areas, including General Medicine & Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Science & Toxicology, Mental Health & Social Care, and more
- Choose from 16 definitive research and specialist areas, including Oncology, Clinical & Neuropsychology, Computer Science, and more
- Never miss that vital piece of information
Article Pass
Read, download, and engage with individual articles from across the Taylor & Francis journal portfolio via a prepaid, token-based system.
Why choose Article Pass?
- Save between 15-50% on the price of individual articles
- Choose from 4.2 million articles across 2,800+ journals
- Set your limits: buy tokens to cover as many as 2,000 articles, or as few as 50
- Keep control by allowing access for specific individuals in your team
- Keep saving year-on-year by rolling over any unused tokens when you renew
- Create a personalized package based on your organization’s research needs
How can Article Pass work for your organization? Request a personalized quote
Discover the research
See what we offer by exploring content for specific industry sectors, or browse Taylor & Francis Online and start discovering research your organization can put to use.
Need help deciding which solution best meets your needs? Get in touch and we will help customize the right package for your organization.