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Path analysis
Published in Pat Dugard, John Todman, Harry Staines, Approaching Multivariate Analysis, 2010
Pat Dugard, John Todman, Harry Staines
For each index, goodness of fit is given for the model being tested (the Default model), the Saturated model (the just-identified model) and the Independence model (all correlations among variables are zero). The fit of the default model will lie somewhere between the extremes represented by the other two models. Evaluation of a model hinges on its position between the extremes relative to competing models. In other words, a comparative interpretation is called for. The first index we refer to is CMIN, which is actually the likelihood ratio chi square. We have already noted that its value of 10.5 with df =4 is not inconsistent with a reasonably fitting model. Other indices have been developed to reduce the dependence on sample size. The next block of indices include two such indices, NFI (normed fit index) and CFI (comparative fit index), which are among those most frequently reported. The NFI is an example of a so-called descriptive fit index and indicates the proportion of improvement of the overall fit of the model relative to the independence model. The CFI is also a descriptive fit index and is interpreted in the same way as the NFI, but may be less affected by sample size. For these indices, values close to 1 are generally considered to indicate a good fit, so our values for NFI (.95) and CFI (.96) suggest that our model is quite a good fit.
Escalation of antimicrobial resistance among MRSA part 2: focus on infections and treatment
Published in Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy, 2023
Joseph P. Lynch, George G. Zhanel
In 1990, Kaatz et al reported a 2- to 8-fold rise in MICs to TEIC in a S. aureus isolate in a patient with IE failing therapy [113]. Resistance was constitutive and not related to plasmids [113]. In an in vitro study, S. aureus isolates with 4- to 8-fold and 8- to 16-fold increases in MIC of VAN and TEIC, respectively, were selected from two S. aureus isolates by serial incubation with low dose VAN [114]. These derivative isolates displayed decreased susceptibility to VAN and TEIC; although the mechanism of decreased susceptibility was uncertain, the production of a 39-kDa cytoplasmic protein and cell wall reorganization may alter the affinity of glycopeptide-peptidoglycan binding or impair glycopeptide access to its cell wall target [114]. A target trough concentration (C min) of ≥ 20 mg/ml has been recommended for TEIC. In a study from Japan, 78 patients were treated with standard (10 mg/kg) or higher dose (12 mg/kg) of TEIC; 75.2% receiving higher dose achieved Cmin > 20 compared to only 41.0% receiving standard dose (p < 0.001) [115]. In multivariate analysis, Cmin > 20 was an independent factor for an early clinical response (within 72–96 hours) (HR 3.95) (p < 0.001) and was not associated with increased adverse effects [115].
Translation, Psychometric and Concept Analysis of the Occupational Balance-Questionnaire Based on a Turkish Population
Published in Occupational Therapy In Health Care, 2023
Zeynep Bahadır, Mahmut Yaran, Esma Özkan, Gamze Ekici, Meral Huri, Semin Akel
Construct validity was determined using a CFA and structural equation modeling (SEM) with IBM AMOS software. In SEM, an evaluation of a model’s fit is based on variables measured without error. For each estimation procedure, many goodness-of-fit (GFI) indices were applied to investigate whether the model was consistent with the empirical data. In addition, model fit indices were examined with the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), the chi-square/degree of freedom (CMIN/DF), the GFI and the adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI). The RMSEA is a measure of approximate fit in the population. As a guideline, values that are ≤ .05 can be considered to indicate a good fit, with values between .05 and .08 suggesting an adequate fit. CMIN/DF is the minimum discrepancy divided by its degrees of freedom. A CMIN/DF of < 3 indicates an acceptable fit between the hypothetical models (Kline, 2015). The GFI measures the relative number of variances and covariances in the sample, and the AGFI corrects the GFI, which is affected by the number of indicators of each latent variable. The GFI and AGFI are chi-square-based calculations independent of degrees of freedom. The recommended cutoff values for acceptable values are those ≥ 0.90 (Schermelleh-Engel et al., 2003).
Investigation on EMG Profiles of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve in a In Vivo Porcine Model
Published in Journal of Investigative Surgery, 2020
Yishen Zhao, Changlin Li, Xiaoli Liu, Le Zhou, Daqi Zhang, Jingwei Xin, Tie Wang, Shijie Li, Hui Sun, Gianlorenzo Dionigi
VN, RLN and SLN were stimulated from 0.01 to 2.0 mA until the appearance of EMG signal and the amplitude of EMG, latency as well as the waveform morphologies were continually recorded [30]. The stimulus current that first evoked a clear-cut EMG activity of >100μV is defined as the response threshold of nerve stimulus [30]. Cmin defines the minimum stimulation current to achieve an EMG signal. If a current of 0.1 mA did nOt evoke an EMG response, it was decreased from 0.1 to 0.01 mA (then in a stepwise decrements of 0.01 mA) until the EMG waveform was found out with a minimum current (Cmin) [30]. After the appearance of Cmin, the VN, RLN and SLN were stimulated by 0.1 to 1.0 mA (stepwise increments of 0.1 mA) until the platform amplitude (no change in the amplitude with an increase in the current), defined by the minimal stimulus current that could evoke a maximal amplitude response as Cmax. If a current of 1.0 mA could evoke an EMG response, the nerves were stimulated by 1.0 to 2.0 mA (stepwise increments of 0.1 mA) until a maximal response was obtained [30].