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The Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas and Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Published in Harold R. Schumacher, William A. Rock, Sanford A. Stass, Handbook of Hematologic Pathology, 2019
Lynne V. Abruzzo, L. Jeffrey Medeiros
Lymph nodes involved by LPL/I tend to retain their underlying architecture. The neoplastic cells preferentially involve the medullary cords and paracortex, and spare the sinuses. The cells infiltrate the capsule and extend into the perinodal adipose tissue. The neoplastic cells show a spectrum of differentiation that ranges from small mature-appearing lymphocytes to plasma cells. The extent of plasmacytoid differentiation varies between cases, and may be subtle or marked. The neoplastic cells may contain cytoplasmic globules (Russell bodies) or intranuclear pseudo-inclusions (Dutcher bodies) of IgM. In the bone marrow, the neoplasm may focally or extensively involve the medullary space in a nodular (but not truly follicular) or diffuse pattern. Particularly in the bone marrow, cytologic evidence of plasmacytoid differentiation may not be apparent.
Dermatological emergencies in tropical infections and infestations
Published in Biju Vasudevan, Rajesh Verma, Dermatological Emergencies, 2019
Anup Kumar Tiwary, Niharika Ranjan Lal, Piyush Kumar
Diagnosis is usually made by the clinical features and characteristic histopathological findings (on Giemsa or Warthin-Starry stain) of granulomatous infiltrate chiefly consisting of Mikulicz cells (large vacuolated foamy histiocyte) and plasma cells containing Russell bodies (eosinophilic aggregates of immunoglobulins within plasma cells) [26]. In doubtful cases, diagnosis can be confirmed by immunohistochemistry using a unique antigenic marker 02K3 [25].
Bacterial Infections of the Oral Cavity
Published in K. Balamurugan, U. Prithika, Pocket Guide to Bacterial Infections, 2019
P. S. Manoharan, Praveen Rajesh
Zones of irritation contain macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells, mediators of inflammation and immune system collagen matrix degraded by the macrophages; the bone is resorbed, leaving a small space. This space is filled with granulomatous tissue, and this prevents the spread of necrosis and initiates repair because it contains new capillaries and fibroblast russell bodies.
Plasma cell granuloma of the conjunctiva in a young female
Published in Orbit, 2021
Md. Shahid Alam, Vathsalya Vijay, Atanu Barh, Krishnakumar Subramanian
The patient underwent shave excision of the mass in left eye. The mass was dissected from the underlying sclera bed with the help of a crescent knife, excised as much as possible, and sent for histopathological examination. Histopathology revealed dense infiltration of lymphocytes and numerous plasma cells with inclusion bodies (Russell bodies) (Figure 2). Immunohistochemistry showed occasional plasma cells expressing IgG4. Serum IgG4 level was within normal limits. A diagnosis of plasma cell granuloma of the conjunctiva was made and the patient was put on oral azathioprine (25 mg thrice daily for 1 month followed by 25 mg twice daily for 1 month) and oral prednisolone. Computed Tomography scan of thorax and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of brain were carried out and were found to be normal. Unfortunately, the patient was lost to follow-up and came back after 1 year. The lesion persisted in the right eye, whereas no recurrence was noticed in the left eye (Figure 1c). She was advised for complete excision of the lesion in the right eye.
Seasonal Hyperacute Panuveitis in Nepal: A Review over 40 Years of Surveillance
Published in Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 2019
Madan Upadhyay, Ranju Kharel Sitaula, Bharat Shrestha, Bhaiya Khanal, Bishnu Psd Upadhyay, Jeevan B. Sherchand, Prakash Ghimire
Upadhyay et al.2 reported on light and electron microscopy findings of enucleated eye. Light microscopy showed shallow anterior chamber with infiltration of iris and ciliary body with lymphocytes and plasma cells and obliteration of vitreous by dense fibrous vascular membrane. Mild perivasculitis in some areas and complete retinal degeneration in other areas were also seen. Neither the organisms nor the hair could be demonstrated even after using special stains. Transmission electron microscopy of the ciliary body showed prominent Russell bodies and plasmacytoid cells containing electron dense material within dilated cysternae of the endoplasmic reticulum.2 This may be a possible explanation for rapid reduction in intraocular pressure due to ciliary body bearing the brunt of disease, although the disease involves all parts of uveal tract and retina.
Asymptomatic marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue in the hypopharynx, detected with esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Published in Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports, 2018
Takuya Okada, Kenro Kawada, Taro Sugimoto, Takashi Ito, Kazuya Yamaguchi, Yudai Kawamura, Masafumi Okuda, Yuichiro Kume, Tairo Ryotokuji, Akihiro Hoshino, Yutaka Tokairin, Yasuaki Nakajima
Histopathological specimens from the biopsies demonstrated prominent proliferation and dense infiltration of lymphocytes in the epithelium. The lymphocytes were differentiated into plasma cells, accompanied by Russell bodies (Figure 2(a,b)). Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the neoplastic lymphocytes were positive for CD20 but negative for CD3 (Figure 3(a,b)). Immunoglobulin lambda chain expression was higher than kappa chain expression in the plasmacytic cells (Figure 4(a,b)). The Ki-67 labeling index was approximately 20%.