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Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Mammalian Eye
Published in David W. Hobson, Dermal and Ocular Toxicology, 2020
An additional method for evaluating the tear film is the tear break-up time. This is performed by instilling fluorescein solution in the conjunctival sac and scanning the cornea for the appearance of dry (fluorescein-free) spots. These will appear in approximately 20 s. If reduced, this is an indication of a mucin deficiency and suggests dysfunction of the goblet cells.173
Watery Eyes
Published in Amy-lee Shirodkar, Gwyn Samuel Williams, Bushra Thajudeen, Practical Emergency Ophthalmology Handbook, 2019
Tear film: Finally examine the tear film and quality. The presence of a foamy tear film near the lid margins, mucous and debris indicates tear inadequacy and inflammation. A tear break up time of less than 10 seconds is abnormal. This is measured by instilling fluorescein 2% and observing the tear film through the slit lamp with a cobalt blue filter. Once the patient blinks, measure the time taken for the first dry spot to appear on the cornea. Presence of a dry spot in less than 10 second suggests a tear film abnormality.
Management of Bi-Punctal Stenosis by One-Snip Punctoplasty Combined with Silicone Intubation
Published in Orbit, 2022
This was a prospective interventional case series which included patients with epiphora due to bi-punctal stenosis. An informed consent was signed by all patients, and the study adhered to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Patients’ evaluation included: detailed history including the duration of symptoms, presence of any other associated symptoms as itching, foreign body sensation, discharge, history of previous ocular disorders, medications, or surgeries. Examination included thorough ophthalmological examination to exclude eyelid malpositions and external eye diseases. Schirmer’s test and tear break up time (TBUT) evaluation were done for the exclusion of dry eye. Wetting of Schirmer’s filter paper of 10 mm or more and TBUT of 10 seconds or more were considered normal.
Tear film stability over a myopia control contact lens compared to a monofocal design
Published in Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2022
José Vicente García-Marqués, Rute Macedo-de-Araújo, Daniela Lopes-Ferreira, Alejandro Cerviño, Santiago García-Lázaro, José Manuel González-Méijome
Although statistical differences were not found between contact lenses in auto Tear Break-Up Time, dual-focus contact lens had lower auto Tear Break-Up Times than the monofocal contact lens. A previous study measured auto Tear Break-Up Time in a centre-near multifocal contact lens.29 In comparison with the present study, auto Tear Break-Up Time was higher (9.29 ± 3.67 seconds) after 20 minutes of contact lens wear. In the same study, Auto Tear Break-Up Time worsened 8 hours after contact lens wear. Therefore, it is possible that auto Tear Break-Up Time results in this work might have been lower if a greater wearing time had been tested, since auto Tear Break-Up Time decreases progressively along the contact lens time wear.29 Also, Lafosse et al.24 found that fluorescein Tear Break-Up Time (after lens removal) and osmolarity worsened over the first day of wearing an aspheric centre-near multifocal contact lens.
Relieving the symptoms of dry eye disease: update on lubricating eye drops containing hydroxypropyl-guar
Published in Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2021
Renee Garofalo, Carolina Kunnen, Rekha Rangarajan, Venkiteshwar Manoj, Howard Ketelson
Signs of dry eye tested in clinical studies of ULTRA included corneal staining,57–60,64–66 conjunctival staining,56–60,64 Total Ocular Staining Score,63 tear break-up time,56–60,64,66 tear osmolarity,58 and results of the Schirmer test.57,60,66 Other parameters tested in trials of ULTRA included goblet cell density,64 lipid layer thickness,67 and conjunctival cell expression of human leukocyte antigen-DR isotype, a marker of ocular surface inflammation.57 For example, compared with baseline, use of ULTRA for 3 months significantly improved mean goblet cell density, mean tear break-up time, mean corneal staining, and mean conjunctival staining (P < 0.0001 each).64 ULTRA was also found to be well tolerated in patients with dry eye symptoms after cataract surgery and was associated with significant increases in tear break-up time after 1, 3, and 6 weeks.62 The change from baseline did not differ significantly from that observed with Hylocomod (Hylo Eye Care, URSAPHARM, Saarbrücken, Germany), with both artificial tear groups showing significant increases in tear break-up time compared with no artificial tear solution.62