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Central nervous system neoplasms
Published in Ibrahim Natalwala, Ammar Natalwala, E Glucksman, MCQs in Neurology and Neurosurgery for Medical Students, 2022
Ibrahim Natalwala, Ammar Natalwala, E Glucksman
FALSE – Metastases account for over 50% of all adult brain tumours, and 10%–50% of patients with systemic malignancy develop brain metastases.1Primary malignant brain tumours constitute approximately 2% of all adult cancers and are therefore rare.2 A glioma is a brain tumour that arises from glial cells and is therefore an umbrella term that incorporates astrocytomas, ependymomas and oligodendrogliomas. Apart from metastases and gliomas, other types of brain tumours include meningiomas, pituitary adenomas and nerve sheath tumours.
Neuroimaging in Nuclear Medicine
Published in Michael Ljungberg, Handbook of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for Physicists, 2022
Anne Larsson Strömvall, Susanna Jakobson Mo
A common type of benign brain tumour is meningioma, arising from cells in one of the membranes (meninges) around the brain. There are several types of malignant primary brain tumours. These may arise from any cell type in the brain. For example, a type of malignant tumour occurring in children and called medulloblastoma, arises from nerve cells. However, the largest group of brain tumours in adults are called gliomas, arising from different kind of supporting cells in the brain, the glia cells. There are different types of gliomas. For example, a subtype of glioma called astrocytoma and glioblastoma multiforme arise from astroglia cells, and oligodendrogliomas arise from glia cells called oligodentrocytes. Gliomas may also be classified according to malignancy, as in the WHO-classification [1], which by characterization of specific features in the tumour cells separates them into four grades of malignancy; a WHO grade I tumour is benign and a grade IV tumour is highly malignant.
Carriers for Nucleic Acid Delivery to the Brain
Published in Carla Vitorino, Andreia Jorge, Alberto Pais, Nanoparticles for Brain Drug Delivery, 2021
Glioma-bearing patients, despite aggressive treatment, including surgical removal of the primary tumour mass and subsequent chemo- and radiotherapy, have a particularly poor prognosis with only 14 months median survival and a 2-year survival rate of 3%-5% [98, 99]. This results in the urgent need for the development of new therapeutic approaches. Notably, in late stages of glioma development, the BBB is impaired by formation of fenestrations, altered thickness of the basal lamina and tight junction disruption [100]. This, on the one hand, leads to serious symptoms of the disease, but on the other hand facilitates the delivery of therapeutics due to the less restrictive physiology of the BBB.
HLA-G 5′URR regulatory polymorphisms are associated with the risk of developing gliomas
Published in International Journal of Neuroscience, 2023
Vladimira Durmanova, Kristina Kluckova, Barbora Filova, Gabriel Minarik, Jan Kozak, Boris Rychly, Marian Svajdler, Viktor Matejcik, Juraj Steno, Maria Bucova
Gliomas belong to brain tumors that have the third highest mortality and morbidity rates among cancers in human population. They occur in all age groups, but are most prevalent in adults older than 45 years. Overall incidence rates for all gliomas range from 4.67 to 5.73 per 100,000 persons [1]. Gliomas begin in the gluey supportive cells (glial cells) that surround nerve cells and help them function. Types of gliomas include astrocytomas, ependymomas and oligodendrogliomas [2]. They can be classified as grade I to IV according to histological features and genetic alterations, as defined by the WHO [3]. Grade IV tumors, also known as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), represent the most invasive form and are associated with a poor prognosis [4]. Despite the development of various therapeutic strategies, the prognosis for patients with malignant glioma remains poor; the median overall survival time for patients with GBM is only 15 months [5]. The markers of survival prognosis in patients with gliomas are still evaluated.
A Meta-Analysis of Calcium Intake and Risk of Glioma
Published in Nutrition and Cancer, 2022
Glioma and meningioma are the two most prevalent forms of primary central nervous system tumors, accounting for more than 80% of all cases (1). Glioma is a tumor that originates from brain glial cells and is the most common in primary brain tumors (2). Gliomas have a reasonably high incidence of 4–5/100,000 persons each year, with the highest occurrence in the sixth decade of life (3, 4). Aside from ionizing radiation and some genetic abnormalities, the risk factors for brain cancer remain unknown. Furthermore, other potential risk factors include exposure to chemical carcinogens in the environment and exposure to n-nitroso compounds in dietary factors (5–7). Despite the low frequency of adult brain cancer, the prognosis for brain cancer (particularly glioma) is dismal (8). Therefore, preventing the progression of glioma has become an important strategy to prevent and treat glioma.
Phantosmia and dysgeusia as the first presentation of glioblastoma
Published in Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings, 2022
Atef Kokash, John Emil Carlson
High-grade gliomas commonly present with headaches, seizures, and focal neurological symptoms.2 The presenting clinical symptoms are dependent on the tumor size and location. Patients typically experience progressive neurological symptoms that lead them to seek medical attention. It is rare for glioblastoma to present solely as abnormalities in olfaction and taste without any other neurological findings. While there does not appear to be any reported cases of glioblastoma presenting solely with these dual symptoms, there has been one report of dysphagia and phantosmia as a first presentation of anaplastic astrocytoma.3 It is important to recognize that episodic changes in smell and taste can represent seizure auras, and these symptoms should prompt investigation for organic causes such as infection, neoplasm, or vascular events.