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Regulation of the Pituitary Gland by Dopamine
Published in Nira Ben-Jonathan, Dopamine, 2020
Dysfunctions of AVP result in diabetes Insipidus (DI), a rare disease with about 20,000 cases in the United States per year. The disorder is characterized by the production of very large volumes of urine (polyuria) and excessive drinking (polydipsia). This condition is also exemplified by the Brattleboro rat, a strain of laboratory rat that descended from a litter born in West Brattleboro, Vermont, in 1961. After noticing that the litter of 17 pups drank and urinated excessively, the researchers proceeded to breed these rats. They then found that these rats have congenital DI due to a deletion of one nucleotide within the second exon of the AVP gene. The mutation resulted in an open reading frame with altered C-terminus that lacks a stop codon for terminating translation. The new reading frame also caused a loss of the single glycosylation site. In the absence of AVP, the Brattleboro rat cannot concentrate its urine and compensates for the massive fluid loss by drinking very large volumes of water. Given the inability of homozygous Brattleboro rats to synthesize AVP, neurophysin, and VAG, they have served as an excellent model for studying DI, as well as the physiological importance of each of the products of the AVP gene [12]. Both production and release of OT are normal in these rats, and they have no problems either with delivery or with lactation [13].
Physiology of the Pituitary Gland
Published in John C Watkinson, Raymond W Clarke, Louise Jayne Clark, Adam J Donne, R James A England, Hisham M Mehanna, Gerald William McGarry, Sean Carrie, Basic Sciences Endocrine Surgery Rhinology, 2018
Mária Hérincs, Karen Young, Márta Korbonits
Insufficient AVP or reduced AVP action results in production of excessive amounts of inappropriately dilute urine, a hallmark of diabetes insipidus (DI). This disease can be either central (hypothalamic) or nephrogenic. In central DI there is a defect in AVP synthesis or secretion, typically due to pituitary stalk damage, head trauma, infection or tumour or mutation in the AVP gene; in nephrogenic DI the kidneys are unable to respond to AVP because of renal disease or a mutation in the vasopressin type 2 receptor (V2R) or in aquaporin 2 (AQP2).
Social isolation alters hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis activity after chronic variable stress in male C57BL/6 mice
Published in Stress, 2020
Ashley L. Heck, Julietta A. Sheng, Alex M. Miller, Sally A. Stover, Natalie J. Bales, Sarah M. L. Tan, Renata M. Daniels, Theodore K. Fleury, Robert J. Handa
To determine if the housing-dependent effect of CVS we observed on Avp gene expression was unique to the PVN, we also examined AVP mRNA in the SON following CVS and acute restraint in pair- versus single-housed males (Figure 4(c,d)). A three-way ANOVA (CVS x housing x restraint) showed a trend toward a significant effect of CVS by housing by restraint interaction (F(1,68) = 2.891; p = .0936; and main effects of CVS (F(1,37) = 7.099; p < .05) and restraint (F(1,37) = 5.175; p < .05) were found by planned two-way ANOVAs (CVS x restraint) in single-, but not pair-, housed mice. Specifically, there was a trend toward a significant effect of restraint stress to decrease SON AVP mRNA in control- (p = .0777), but not CVS-treated, single-housed males. Moreover, stressed CVS-treated single-housed males had elevated AVP mRNA levels versus stressed control-treated ones (p < .05).
Vasopressin deletion is associated with sex-specific shifts in the gut microbiome
Published in Gut Microbes, 2018
Christopher T. Fields, Benoit Chassaing, Matthew J. Paul, Andrew T. Gewirtz, Geert J. de Vries
Metadata. Long Evans rats with heterozygous expression of a functional and nonfunctional copy of the arginine-vasopressin gene (Avp) were bred to produce subjects expressing wildtype (WT), heterozygous (Het) and homozygous knockout (KO) variants of the Avp gene deletion. A total of 42 fecal samples (6 WT male, 8 WT female, 6 Het male, 7 Het female, 8 KO male, and 7 KO female) were collected with one sample per subject, from which DNA was amplified and sent for sequencing. After OTU picking and checking for chimeric transcripts, a total of 1,322,857 reads were assigned to 4,189 OTUs. Each sample had an average of 31,497 reads.