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Medha Rasayana Plants
Published in Atanu Bhattacharjee, Akula Ramakrishna, Magisetty Obulesu, Phytomedicine and Alzheimer’s Disease, 2020
Atanu Bhattacharjee, Biplab Kumar Dey
AD is a life-changing disease for both the patient and care giver. At present, treatments are available to provide symptomatic relief from the disease for only a short period of time, if the disease is diagnosed in its early stages. According to Ayurveda, the physician must elaborate a concept about the progression and treatment of AD. In the early stages, Rookshana and Amapachana medicines are prescribed along with Shadangam kashaya, Saddharanam churna. Rookshana and Amapachana help Srotas prepare for the Snehana and Shodhana procedures. Sometime, Langhana (lightning therapy) is advised even before selecting Brihana (nourishing), to induce clarity of senses, expulsion of wastes, and achieve lightness in the body. But care must be taken to prevent aggravation of Vata dosha. Snehana therapy is another effective type of treatment where Pranaavruta Samana and Chatushprakara snehana (four types of unctuous substances, namely ghee, oil, fat, and bone marrow) are being induced. Medicines which are Brimhana (nourishing) and Vatanulomana (downward movement of Vata) should be selected, like Kshirabala, Vatasini, Dhanwantaram, Narayana, or Lakshaditaila. Murdhatailam with Balalakshadi, Kshirabala, or Vatasini can be also used for Snehana. After proper Snehana (oilation) and Swedana (Sudation), Shodhana should be carried out in the form of Vasti or Virechana, with the latter being found to be more effective under Pittanubandha conditions.
Cannabis Use in Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, & Different Religions
Published in Betty Wedman-St Louis, Cannabis as Medicine, 2019
Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine that has flourished for thousands of years because of its methodical evaluation of a patient and systematic methods of healing. The concept of Shodhana or internal purification plays a very important role in Ayurveda’s palliative and treatment aspects (which includes Panchakarma). The Shamana or Mitigative therapy is conducted with the help of internal medication and diet, which is followed after Shodhana. Thus, Ayurvedic treatment, while correcting the disease, also helps to rejuvenate the body, which is important for longer, healthy life. Acharya Charaka while quoting the uses of Ayurveda says “Protection of the health and the treatment of a diseased are the uses of Ayurveda.”
Implementation of the Theory of Equality Between the Universe and Individual in Ayurvedic Treatment
Published in Anne George, Snigdha S. Babu, M. P. Ajithkumar, Sabu Thomas, Holistic Healthcare. Volume 2: Possibilities and Challenges, 2019
Vibha Sood, K. L. Meena, Govind Pareek
Rainy season is prone to Gulma Vyadhi also. In all types of gulma vitiation of vata dosha is inevitable.10Vata dosha is composed of vayu and akasha Mahabhoot. As mentioned earlier, akash is similar to porous parts and vayu is similar to prana in human body. In gulma patient, jatharagni should be protected all the time because equilibrium and vitiation of dosha depends on it11 and Jatharagni depends on balanced vayu.12 So while doing appropriate treatment to correct other dosha, vayu should be protected all the time like in the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of therapy. In gulma, vayu is already aggravated; so snehana and swedana are performed to remove obstruction of air in the passage. Shodhana is applied in mild form with cautions of upholding vayu in controlled condition.13 Administration of Sneha is done carefully only to alleviate aggravated form of vayu and to balance the jatharagni. With all these, balanced combination of herbal compounds is given orally to keep vayu in appropriate state.
Impact of cyclodextrin derivatives on systemic release of duloxetine HCl via buccal route
Published in Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 2020
Rajiv Kumar, V. R. Sinha, Lalita Dahiya, Gurpal Singh, Amita Sarwal
DXT was procured as gift sample from Shodhana Pharmaceuticals (Ahmadabad, India) and used as received without any further purification procedure. Gratis sample of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin, Kleptose HP Oral grade (HPβCD, MW 1428 Da) was procured from Roquette Corporation (Mumbai, India). Sulfobutylether-β-cyclodextrin, pharma grade anionic cyclodextrin (degree of substitution = 6.5, Mol Wt (2163 Da)=1135+(DS × 158.2) Da), was kindly gifted by Cyclolab Cyclodextrin Research and Development Laboratories (Budapest, Hungary). Deionized water was obtained from a Millipore Direct-Q3 Ultrapure Water purification system. Simulated saliva (SS) was prepared by dissolving 2.38 g Na2HPO4, 0.19 g KH2PO4, and 8 g NaCl in 1 l of distilled water. The pH was adjusted to 6.8 using ortho-phosphoric acid. All other chemicals, solvents, and reagents used were of analytical grade. HPLC grade water was used throughout the study. Standard glass wares were used for preparation and analysis purposes.
Polymer-based prolonged-release nanoformulation of duloxetine: fabrication, characterization and neuropharmacological assessments
Published in Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 2021
Gurpreet Singh, Amita Sarwal, Sachin Sharma, Priya Prasad, Anurag Kuhad, Waseem Ali
DLX was a gifted sample from Shodhana Laboratories Ltd (Hyderabad, India). PLGA 75:25 (90 kDa) was purchased from Union Carbide (India). Polycaprolactone (45 kDa) was purchased from Sigma Aldrich (USA). PVA (average mol. wt 30,000–70,000 Da) and sodium hydroxide were purchased from Loba Chemie (Mumbai, India). Dichloromethane was purchased from SD Fine-Chem Ltd. (Mumbai, India). Methanol and Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate were purchased from Thermo Fischer Scientific Pvt. Ltd. (Mumbai, India). Distilled water was procured from Millipore Corporation MA (USA). All other ingredients and chemicals used were of analytical grade.