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Published in Aida Lai, Essential Concepts in Anatomy and Pathology for Undergraduate Revision, 2018
Attachments of subclavius muscle– origin: rib 1 junction between rib and costal cartilage– insertion: inferior middle third of clavicle– nerve SS: nerve to subclavius– function: pulls clavicle medially
Thoracic outlet syndromes
Published in Larry R. Kaiser, Sarah K. Thompson, Glyn G. Jamieson, Operative Thoracic Surgery, 2017
Hugh A. Gelabert, Erdogan Atasoy
On reaching the apex of the axilla, the subclavian vein is identified. In front of this lies the subclavius muscle ligament attaching onto the first rib. Behind the vein lies the anterior scalene muscle. These are dissected free of surrounding tis- sue using a Kitner dissector. The anterior scalene muscle is divided over a right angle. The subclavius muscle tendon is elevated over a tonsil clamp and divided.
Pectoral Region and Breast
Published in Gene L. Colborn, David B. Lause, Musculoskeletal Anatomy, 2009
Gene L. Colborn, David B. Lause
Between the clavicle and the upper border of the pectoralis minor identify the delicate clavipectoral fascia (Fig. 4:8). This fascia attaches proximally to the clavicle, beneath which it invests the small subclavius muscle. It then passes as a sheet toward the pectoralis minor, invests it, and then blends distally with the axillary fascia, there forming the so-called suspensory ligament of the axilla(Fig. 4:10). When the arm is abducted, the suspensory ligament produces the “hollow” in the axilla, because of the attachment of the fascia to the skin.
Paget-Schroetter Syndrome: a case report of diagnosis, treatment, and outcome in a healthy 18-year-old athletic swimmer
Published in The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 2020
Almaan El-Attrache, Eric Kephart
PSS is a subdivision of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), specifically, venous thoracic outlet syndrome (VTOS). TOS is a collection of symptoms that arises from compression of the neurovascular bundle (brachial plexus and subclavian vessels) of the thoracic outlet. Common sites of compression in the thoracic outlet are the costoclavicular space enclosed by the first rib and clavicle (where the subclavian vein is most vulnerable to compression), the anterior and middle scalene muscles, subclavius muscles, and the angle between the coracoid process and pectoralis minor. In order of frequency of presentation, neurogenic TOS (90-95%), VTOS (5%), and arterial TOS (1%) are the subdivisions that arise depending on structures compressed. The clinical presentation of TOS is often a combination of all 3 subdivisions. In the setting of an isolated venous presentation, VTOS arises from compression of or an obstruction in the axillary-subclavian vein via 3 further subdivisions/mechanisms: intermittent/positional compression due to repetitive motions without obstructive thrombosis, primary obstruction via spontaneous thrombosis as in PSS, or secondary obstruction via induced thrombosis as a consequence of catheter or pacemaker lead insertion [2,3].
The role of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in surgical planning for thoracic outlet syndrome: the experience of a single third level reference center for peripheral nerve surgery
Published in Neurological Research, 2023
Alessandra Turrini, Carlo Maria De Masi, Carlo Sacco, Camilla Mencarani, Vanni Veronesi, Guido Staffa, Crescenzo Capone
Regarding infraclavicular access, the pectoralis minor muscle is exposed at the level of its insertion on the coracoid process. Neurolysis of the brachial plexus cords is performed and aberrant costo-clavicular ligaments, hypertrophic pectoralis minor and subclavius muscle could be sectioned.
Myofascial release in patients during the early postoperative period after revascularisation of coronary arteries
Published in Disability and Rehabilitation, 2020
Maria Ratajska, Małgorzata Chochowska, Anita Kulik, Paweł Bugajski
Each time the physical therapist performed sixteen consecutive MFR techniques in accordance to Carol Manheim [20]:Relaxing the scalene muscles and the lateral part of cervical fascia – cross technique (Figure 1), Relaxing the scalene muscles and the lateral part of cervical fascia laterally, “hook-pull” technique (Figure 2), Relaxing the descending parts of the trapezius muscle laterally (Figure 3), Relaxing the sternocleidomastoid muscle, cross technique (Figure 4), Relaxing the infrahyoid muscles caudad. The hand marked with a dot holds the hyoid bone in cephalad position (Figure 5), Relaxing the suprahyoid muscles medially (Figure 6). Relaxing the pectoralis major muscles and the sterno-cartilaginous fascia medially (Figure 7), Relaxing the pectoralis major muscle, cross technique (Figure 8), Relaxing the subclavius muscles medially (Figure 9). Relaxing the diaphragm. The upper hand “pushes” the costal margin towards the hand placed below (Figure 10), Relaxing the lower part of rib cage. Both hands simultaneously lift the lower parts of rib cage on both sides of the body, closing the costal margins to each other (Figure 11), Relaxing the medium and the lower parts of the rib cage and the intercostal muscles laterally (Figure 12), Relaxing the proximal attachments of the rectus abdominis muscle and the tissues adjacent to the xiphoid process laterally (Figure 13), Relaxing the internal oblique muscles laterally (Figure 14), Generally relaxing the tissues within the abdominal cavity. Spread fingers of both hands encompass the tissues on both sides of the abdomen, lifting them (Figure 15), Relaxing the rectus abdominis muscle and abdominal fascia caudad (Figure 16).