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Lower Limb Muscles
Published in Eve K. Boyle, Vondel S. E. Mahon, Rui Diogo, Handbook of Muscle Variations and Anomalies in Humans, 2022
Eve K. Boyle, Vondel S. E. Mahon, Rui Diogo, Malynda Williams
Pettersen (1979) found that quadratus plantae was rudimentary in both feet of a boy with trisomy 13q. In both feet, the lateral head was absent. In the left foot, the medial head was diminutive and originated from the posteromedial aspect of the calcaneus near the insertion of the calcaneal tendon. The muscle did not have fleshy fibers as it crossed the longitudinal arch of the foot. It had a “weblike” attachment onto the deep surface of flexor digitorum brevis, into the part of the flexor hallucis longus tendon that unites with flexor digitorum longus, and into the deep plantar fascia and ligaments of the foot. In the right foot, the medial head had a similar origin and was also diminutive but sent fleshy fibers across the foot that ended with a tendinous attachment into flexor digitorum longus. Hootnick et al. (1987) describe an individual that had a right limb with congenital tibial aplasia, talocalcaneal synchondrosis, and an adducted foot with five toes. In this limb, quadratus plantae originated from the calcaneus and inserted into the common flexor tendon sheet in the foot.
The Kidney (KI)
Published in Narda G. Robinson, Interactive Medical Acupuncture Anatomy, 2016
Tibial nerve (L5-S3): Innervates the flexor digitorum longus muscle, the flexor hallucis longus muscle, and the posterior tibialis muscle, as well as the other muscles in the posterior aspect of the leg and knee. Posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, the tibial nerve divides into the lateral and medial plantar nerves. Other nerve branches include the nerve for the abductor digiti minimi muscle and its branch to the quadratus plantae muscle, and the medial calcaneal nerve branch, which supplies the skin over the medial heel.3 Any of these nerve branches may experience compression by connective tissue or vascular sources. A heel spur at KI 5 may entrap the nerve to the abductor digiti quinti (minimi) muscle.4 Tension of the medial plantar fascia and deep fascia of the abductor hallucis muscle may also compress the nerve branch that supplies the quadratus plantae muscle.
Lower Limb
Published in Rui Diogo, Drew M. Noden, Christopher M. Smith, Julia Molnar, Julia C. Boughner, Claudia Barrocas, Joana Bruno, Understanding Human Anatomy and Pathology, 2018
Rui Diogo, Drew M. Noden, Christopher M. Smith, Julia Molnar, Julia C. Boughner, Claudia Barrocas, Joana Bruno
In fact, there are only a few major differences that the students need absolutely to know between the intrinsic muscles of the foot and of the hand: Unlike the hand, the foot has no opponens muscles for digits 1 and 5. Many primate species have opponens muscles in the foot: For instance, they often have an opponens hallucis because the big toe is highly mobile and widely separated from the other toes. But the opponens hallucis was lost during the evolutionary history of the human lineage, when our big toe moved immediately adjacent to the other toes and lost some of its mobility.Because the big toe is much wider compared to the other toes (“This little piggy went to market…”), the main axis of the foot is digit 2 and not digit 3 as in the hand. Therefore, while the hand lumbricals 1 and 2 (going to digits 2 and 3) are innervated by the median nerve, only lumbrical 1 of the foot (going to digit 2) is innervated by the corresponding nerve, the medial plantar nerve.Accordingly, contrary to the hand where the adduction performed by the palmar interossei and abduction by the dorsal interossei is defined relative to digit 3, in the foot adduction by the plantar interossei and abduction by the dorsal interossei is defined relative to digit 2. Therefore, the three plantar interossei muscles insert on the medial sides of digits 3, 4, and 5 to adduct these toes, while the four dorsal interossei in the foot insert on the medial side of digit 2 and lateral sides of digits 2, 3, and 4, to abduct digit 2 medially and to abduct digits 2, 3, and 4 laterally.In the foot, there is no muscle similar to the intrinsic muscle palmaris brevis of the hand. On the other hand, the foot has a broad muscle quadratus plantae that has no equivalent in the hand. The quadratus plantae runs from the calcaneus to insert onto the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus and is innervated by the lateral plantar nerve, that is the nerve that corresponds to the ulnar nerve innervating the palmaris brevis in the hand. The quadratus plantae is usually described in atlases and textbooks as an intrinsic foot muscle, and is listed in Table 5.4 accordingly, but it is actually derived evolutionarily from the ancestral flexor group of leg muscles, and by that definition, it is an extrinsic muscle of the foot.
Foot internal stress distribution during impact in barefoot running as function of the strike pattern
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2018
Enrique Morales-Orcajo, Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo, Marta Losa Iglesias, Javier Bayod, Estevam Barbosa de Las Casas
Another important factor when transitioned from shod to barefoot running is the intrinsic foot musculature. An increase in the size of these muscles, when transitioned to barefoot or minimalist running, has been hypothesized (Mullen et al. 2014), but only measured for training periods over 12 weeks (Miller et al. 2014; Campitelli et al. 2015; Johnson et al. 2015; Chen et al. 2016). The three largest plantar intrinsic foot muscles, abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum and quadratus plantae, have been demonstrated to have the capacity to control foot posture and longitudinal arch stiffness (Kelly et al. 2014), but no study has been found to analyze the role of the internal foot musculature as function of the strike pattern. Only one study has investigated the differences in the muscle activity between RFS and FFS runners (Yong et al. 2014). They measured electromyographic patterns of ten lower limb muscles from natural RFS and FFS runners founding the Tibialis Anterior muscle more active for RFS runners in the late swing phase, i.e. right before touchdown, whereas the Gastrocnemius more active for FFS runners.