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Published in Clare E. Milner, Functional Anatomy for Sport and Exercise, 2019
Due to the high degree of stability at the hip joint, provided by these strong ligaments which surround the joint as well as the bony structure of the femur and hip bone, the hip joint is rarely dislocated. This is in contrast to the equivalent upper extremity joint, the glenohumeral joint at the shoulder (see shoulder complex – joints), which is the most commonly dislocated joint in the body. Both are ball and socket joints, but the glenohumeral joint has a much shallower socket. Since the hip must support and transfer the weight of the entire upper body to the lower extremities during standing and locomotion, this stability is an important feature.
Anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder
Published in Andreas B. Imhoff, Jonathan B. Ticker, Augustus D. Mazzocca, Andreas Voss, Atlas of Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy, 2017
Lucca Lacheta, Bastian Scheiderer
The glenohumeral range of motion is mainly provided by a mismatch of the contact area between the vast globular humeral head and the small concave glenoid fossa (golfball–tee principle). This open ball-and-socket joint is stabilized by static and dynamic constraints.53–61
Lower limb
Published in David Heylings, Stephen Carmichael, Samuel Leinster, Janak Saada, Bari M. Logan, Ralph T. Hutchings, McMinn’s Concise Human Anatomy, 2017
David Heylings, Stephen Carmichael, Samuel Leinster, Janak Saada, Bari M. Logan, Ralph T. Hutchings
Hip joint - the best example of a ball- and-socket joint. The head of the femur fits snugly into the acetabulum of the hip bone (Figs. 7.1, 7.8, 8.6), which is deepened around the periphery by the cartilaginous acetabular labrum and across the acetabular notch by the fibrous transverse acetabular ligament. The ligament of the head of the femur runs from the non-articular fossa close to the transverse ligament to the fovea of the head, carrying important blood vessels to the femoral head in the young child; however, these usually degenerate before adulthood. The capsule is attached to the hip bone around the margins of the acetabulum; on the femur, it attaches anteriorly to the intertrochanteric line, but posteriorly it attaches halfway along the neck. The capsule reflects back on itself towards the femoral head carrying the ret- inacular blood vessels that supply the femoral head in adults. Thus, much of the neck is intracapsular and covered by synovial membrane.
An open-source musculoskeletal model of the lumbar spine and lower limbs: a validation for movements of the lumbar spine
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2021
C. D. Favier, M. E. Finnegan, R. A. Quest, L. Honeyfield, A. H. McGregor, A. T. M. Phillips
A full-body musculoskeletal model (Figure 1) based on the healthy young male volunteer was implemented in OpenSim 3.3 (Delp et al. 2007). It is bilateral and composed of 20 rigid bodies articulated with 19 joints for a total of 45 degrees of freedom (Figure A1, supplementary material): hips (three rotations each), knees (one rotation each), patello-femoral joints (one rotation each) and ankles (two rotations each) for the lower limbs, shoulders (three rotations each) and elbows (two rotations each) for the upper limbs, five lumbar joints (three rotations each), T7–T8 joint (three rotations) and C7–T1 joint (three rotations) for the spine. Each of the five lumbar joint centres is located at the intersection of the flexion-extension instantaneous axis of rotation as defined by Pearcy and Bogduk (1988) with the mid-sagittal plane (Figure 2). The flexion-extension axis is pointing dextro-laterally. The axis of rotation for lateral bending is orthogonal to the flexion-extension axis of rotation, parallel to the vertebra’s proximal endplate plane as defined by Pearcy and Bogduk (1988) and pointing anteriorly. The axial rotation axis is orthogonal to the flexion-extension and lateral bending axes, pointing cranially. In the three-segment thoracic and cervical spine, T7–T8 and C7–T1 joints are also ball and socket joints, with the joint centre being at the centre of the intervertebral disc. Lower and upper limbs joint definitions are based on the definitions given in existing models (Modenese et al. 2011; Rajagopal et al. 2016) and adjusted to fit the subject’s geometry obtained with MRI.
Development of acetabular anteversion in children with normal hips and those with developmental dysplasia of the hip: a cross-sectional study using magnetic resonance imaging
Published in Acta Orthopaedica, 2021
Wei Lu, Lianyong Li, Lijun Zhang, Qiwei Li, Enbo Wang
The acetabulum is a ball and socket joint consisting of the anterior pubis, superior ilium, and posterior ischium. In a normal newborn, the acetabulum is a cartilage complex composed of acetabular cartilage and Y-shaped cartilage, and the development of the acetabulum is mainly characterized by endochondral ossification after birth. Li et al. (2016) measured the OAA and CAA of 180 children with normal hips in different age groups from 6 months to 16 years by using MRI, and found that OAA and CAA were both relatively constant among the different age groups. They speculated that this may be due to the compressive stress of the femoral head on the acetabulum being uniform in the normal hip joint, which tends to balance the growth of the ilium, ischia, and pubis, thereby keeping the acetabulum in a stable axial opening direction. Our study results differed from those of Li et al., which may be due to the difference in the age grouping method used or the small sample size of age subgroups in the study by Li et al.
Predicting longitudinal changes in joint contact forces in a juvenile population: scaled generic versus subject-specific musculoskeletal models
Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2020
Claude Fiifi Hayford, Erica Montefiori, Emma Pratt, Claudia Mazzà
Subject-specific bone geometries for the two timepoints were obtained by a single expert operator segmenting MRI images of the full lower-limb together with the regional foot and ankle images from each observation point, respectively. The full lower-limb geometries for each participant were subsequently coupled with the regional geometries to build subject-specific models (SubS) for each observation using NMSBuilder (Valente et al. 2017). For each SubS model, the hip was modelled as an ideal ball-and-socket joint, with ideal hinges for the knee, ankle and subtalar joints. The joint axes were defined by morphological fitting of articular surfaces isolated from the bone geometries, using a least square difference minimization approach. A supervised atlas registration procedure with a reference model (Delp et al. 1990) was used to estimate muscle attachments and via points, with manual adjustment against the MRI when needed. The maximum isometric force for each muscle in the SubS model were linearly scaled using the ratio of participant lower-limb mass, calculated as the product of the soft tissue volume and bone volume and their respective densities from the literature (White et al. 1987), and the lower limb mass of a generic model (Delp et al. 1990). Further details for generating the SubS are provided in Modenese et al. (2018) and Montefiori et al. (2019a).