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Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV-Infected Persons
Published in Kirsti Kauppinen, Kristiina Alanko, Matti Hannuksela, Howard Maibach, Skin Reactions to Drugs, 2020
Hélène Bocquet, Jean-Claude Roujeau
In non-HIV-infected persons it has been proposed that adverse drug reactions, especially the more severe ones, were related to unusual patterns of drug detoxification pathways. Severe reactions to sulfonamides and to anticonvulsants are more frequent in slow metabolizers of these drugs. Because the slow metabolism phenotype is fairly common (e.g., about 40% of caucasian populations are slow acetylators of sulfonamides) it cannot explain by itself the occurrence of rare reactions. Alterations in the detoxification pathway of reactive metabolites created by oxidation of the parent drug by cytochromes P4S0 are suspected from the observation that in vitro these reactive metabolites are more toxic for lymphocytes of patients who experienced adverse reactions than for control lymphocytes.54–56
The Role of the Practice Nurse in Substance Misuse Treatments
Published in Rosie Winyard, Andrew McBride, Substance Misuse in Primary Care, 2018
Referral to drug detoxification!Awareness of local service providers.Local detoxification policy.Send a plain urine sample (taken on the premises) for an opiate drug screen to the chemical pathology department of the pathology laboratory.
Posttraumatic Headache
Published in Gary W. Jay, Clinician’s Guide to Chronic Headache and Facial Pain, 2016
Drug detoxification is typically the necessary first step, whether the patient is overutilizing simple, over-the-counter analgesics, or narcotics or barbiturates. Chronic daily analgesics appear to prevent appropriate functioning of the endogenous opiate system (EOS) (via negative neurochemical feedback loops) and other associated antinociceptive systems, inducing analgesic-rebound headaches (now called medication overuse headaches), which are secondary problems from the medications that induce headache secondary to purely neurochemical/neurophysiological changes. Vascular rebound headaches from overutilization of vasoconstrictors may also occur and must be stopped before other treatment is applied. Clinically, an effective way to detoxify CTTHA patients is following the repetitive DHE-45 protocol described by Raskin (106). Concurrently, prophylactic medications should be started. The use of prophylactic medications, as well as physical therapy and other treatments given while a patient is enduring analgesic-rebound headaches is an ineffectual waste of time and money.
Effect of Ego Depletion on Interpersonal Trust among Individuals with Substance Use Disorders
Published in Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2020
In the present study, participants were individuals with SUD from a compulsory drug rehabilitation center in Jiangsu Province, China. According to the Anti-Drug Law of China (issued in 2007), individuals with SUD who consume illicit drugs (such as opium, heroin, and methamphetamines) are encouraged to admit themselves to detoxification institutions. However, individuals with severe SUD will be compulsorily isolated for drug detoxification for two years if they meet several conditions (e.g., continual use of drugs during the period of drug rehabilitation in the community). During the two years of compulsory drug rehabilitation, individuals with SUD have no chance to access any illicit drugs, and they have to accept treatments with the aim to detoxify and recover their health. After completing two years of compulsory treatment, these individuals are supposed to have recovered from their drug abuse, and are reintegrated into society. This practice provides a chance to test the strength of the depletion and the mental shift hypotheses of the ego depletion effect on interpersonal trust by examining its possible changes across different abstinence periods.
Female Prisoners’ Problems Living in an Irish Prison: An Exploratory Study
Published in Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 2019
Sarah Quinn, Sarah Doyle, Cora Emerson
Although life in the prison on a day-to-day basis presented many stressors to all, the experience of being imprisoned was also relative to prior imprisonment circumstances. It was perceived as a welcome release for the participant (PB) with a history of homelessness and drug addiction. She had experienced social services both inside and outside prison and feared release; conversely, she embraced the idea of changing herself/circumstances by spending some time inside. In keeping with the literature, the prison facilitated drug detoxification of two participants by providing a methadone program and removing them from their drug-using home life (Long, AllWright, & Begley, 2004; McHugh, 2013). Participants, however, also claimed that the prevalence of drug use within the prison was an ever-present temptation to re-use, making drug detoxification more difficult. It is well established that there is a great deal of drug use within prisons (Allwright, Barry, Bradley, Long, & Thornton, 1999; Baltieri, 2014; O’Mahony, 1997) and the association with other drug users contributes to both difficulties in quitting and in relapse (Brewer, Catalano, Haggerty, Gainey, & Fleming, 1998). In the current study, the women expressed several problems related to drug use, reflecting addiction’s multifaceted complexity (Hendriks, 1990). Consistent with the literature on drug use and penal services, participants first identified the problem of quitting and staying clean when in prison. Second, relapse on release was a fear. Third, the consequences of drugs for their families was something for which women felt shame and guilt.
Inpatient detoxification: examining factors leading to early discharge
Published in Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 2018
Lee Mark Hogan, Qamar Jabeen, Julian Race, Hannah Rettie
Evaluation of case files indicated that early discharge from the unit (breach or AMA) was more likely in service users admitted for drug detoxification. Patients admitted for drug detoxification accounted for 65.7% of all breaches and 43.8% of all discharges AMA; patients admitted for drug and alcohol detoxification accounted for 22.9% of breaches and 33.3% of all discharges AMA; patients admitted for alcohol detoxification accounted for only 11.4% of breaches and 22.9% of all discharges AMA. Those service users who were admitted for drug detoxification were significantly more likely to have an early discharge before treatment completion in comparison to service users admitted for alcohol detoxification only, χ2(4, N = 433) = 82.12, p < .001. On average, 20.5% of drug users breached compared to 13.6% of drug and alcohol users and just 1.2% of alcohol users. This finding is consistent with Callaghan and Cunningham (2002) who reported that drug-abusing service users were more likely to terminate their treatment earlier. The planned treatment completion rate was 94.5% for alcohol users, 57.6% for drug and alcohol users, and 58.0% for drug users (see Figure 1).