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Recommendations and Standards
Published in William H. Hallenbeck, Radiation Protection, 2020
Annual total effective dose equivalent (TEDE, see Chapter 5) limits for the control of stochastic risk: · 0.02 Sv (2 rem) averaged over 5 year periods· 0.05 Sv (5 rem) in any single year
Personnel Protection from Radiation and Contamination
Published in Philip T. Underhill, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material, 2018
Dose monitoring is broken down into two categories: (1) external whole-body dose or deep dose equivalent and (2) internal committed dose equivalent. These two doses are summed to provide the total effective dose equivalent for an individual. When appropriate, doses to individual organs may be assessed.
Radioactivity and dose assessment of naturally occurring radionuclides in terrestrial environments and foodstuffs: a review of Bahi district, Tanzania
Published in International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 2023
Dominic Parmena Sumary, Jofrey Raymond, Musa Chacha, Frimi Paul Banzi
Typically, radon concentrations are in the range 0.5 to 1.5 pCi L−1 in poorly ventilated residences depending on weather, proximity to the basement substructures, and human use patterns (Goans 2007). However, the U.S. EPA has set the highest acceptable leve of residential radon at 150 Bq m−3 but most residential houses exceed this benchmark (US. EPA 2003; Schwela and Kotzias 2005 US. EPA 2020).The study from Bahi district (Table 2) shows the average radon concentrations levels from Bahi Sokoni and Bahi Makulu villages were found to be 277 ± 2 Bq m−3 (29 ± 8 to 619 ± 59 Bq m−3) which is 5.59, 4.23 and 2.96 mSv y−1 for children, women and men, respectively (Mohammed and Focus 2018). The RESRAD-OFFSITE estimation for total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) to the public for the future 100 years reported to be below the public dose limit of 1 mSv y−1 (Ramadhan and Kim 2018; Sotiropoulou and Florou 2020). In some areas of Bahi district the gamma-ray emission at the ground surface were reported to be 2.24–3.81 mSv y−1 which is higher than normal range (Orazaliyev 2013).
Simulation using representative data selection for transboundary radiation effect evaluation by Nuclear Accident Consequence Analysis Code (NACAC)
Published in Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2023
Narakhan Khunsrimek, Wasin Vechgama, Kampanart Silva, Somboon Rassame, Takashi Hibiki
The deposition of radionuclides from the atmosphere to the ground surface in the NACAC is considered from the dry and wet deposition phenomenon with the deposition velocity approach. The dry and wet deposition velocity summation is multiplied by the air concentration to calculate the ground concentration. The internal and external doses are calculated at each receptor point according to the calculation process in the ICRP publication 60 [60], NUREG/CR-4214 [61], and NUREG/CR-0494 [62]. The dose summation of inhalation, cloud shine, ground shine, and re-suspension dose in the form of the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) are considered for the radiation consequence evaluation process. The calculated results are then graphically presented in polar coordinates, providing convenience in defining the dispersion of radioactive materials.
Use of Dynamic Event Trees and Deep Learning for Real-Time Emergency Planning in Power Plant Operation
Published in Nuclear Technology, 2019
Ji Hyun Lee, Alper Yilmaz, Richard Denning, Tunc Aldemir
In order to improve the ability of NPP operators to better manage severe accident consequences, Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMGs) have been formulated.2 If an accident occurs at a NPP, the operating staff in the control room is responsible for returning the plant to a safe stable state without release of radioactive material to the environment. However, if the accident progresses to the point at which the potential exists for a significant release of radioactive material to the environment, off-site emergency response actions may be required to protect the public. It is the responsibility of the plant managers to declare the level of site emergency. Depending on the projected level of the off-site release, the emergency level can be categorized as Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency.3 The Protective Action Guides Manual4 identifies 1 to 5 rems total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) as the level of projected dose at which protective actions should be undertaken. Sheltering actions should be undertaken when the projected dose is greater than 1 rem. There is very broad uncertainty in the ability to predict the magnitude of off-site doses in an early phase of an accident. It is possible that scenarios could have very high doses with the potential for the decision maker to expand the evacuation zone. We have selected 10 rems as the boundary between low-severity and high-severity scenarios only for the purpose of demonstrating the approach. A more detailed classification scheme could be used.