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Intrusion Detection in Wireless Mesh Networks
Published in Yan Zhang, Jun Zheng, Honglin Hu, Security in Wireless Mesh Networks, 2008
Thomas M. Chen, Geng-Sheng Kuo, Zheng-Ping Li, Guo-Mei Zhu
A unique type of attack called a wormhole has been identified [9]. In physics, a wormhole is theoretically a direct shortcut between two distant points in the space–time continuum. The idea of a wormhole attack is that packets at one location in the network could be tunneled and quickly replayed at another location. A wormhole could be exploited in various ways. For example, it has been hypothesized that routing update packets could go through a wormhole and cause a routing protocol to avoid certain routes [9].
Geometric theory of topological defects: methodological developments and new trends
Published in Liquid Crystals Reviews, 2021
Sébastien Fumeron, Bertrand Berche, Fernando Moraes
More recently, an optical analog of a wormhole threaded by a cosmic string was described in Ref. [137]. Wormholes are solutions of Einstein's equations that connect different regions of the spacetime. For instance, a spherically symmetric wormhole can be obtained by joining two Schwartzschild black hole spacetimes with a spherical hole carved around each singularity. Wormholes are usually represented by ‘embedding diagrams’, which are 2D slices of the 4D structure immersed in Euclidean 3D space. The embedding diagram of the notorious Morris-Thorne [140] wormhole is obtained by taking a , section of the spherically symmetric spacetime described by the metric The restricted metric, , can be embedded in a 3D Euclidean space with metric such that is the equation of the embedded surface of revolution. For metric (12) the result is the catenoid.
Black hole entropy, the black hole information paradox, and time travel paradoxes from a new perspective
Published in Journal of Modern Optics, 2020
We postulate the wormhole mechanism for time travel invented by Kip Thorne (29–31), who is shown in Figure 1. (The argument given below is a more detailed version of one of the multiple possibilities raised by David Deutsch in Ref. (27) and stated with more commitment by him elsewhere, but given here with an emphasis on path integrals on a smooth manifold with a nontrivial topology. Of course, the idea that time travel results in parallel universes – but without any physical justification – goes back in the science fiction literature to at least the early 1950s, before the work of Everett.) We assume that a Thorne wormhole can be used to achieve time travel and that it is traversable – i.e. somehow stable and large enough to accommodate classical field configurations like human observers.