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Published in John Andraos, Synthesis Green Metrics, 2018
First, it is recommended that this book be used only after all of the topics in Reaction Green Metrics: Problems, Exercises, and Solutions have been thoroughly covered and mastered. For teaching purposes instructors can use the worked examples in a classroom setting to introduce topics for discussion in lectures and use the problems as homework set exercises for deeper thought. As before, it is also recommended that this book be used in a second one-semester intermediate to advanced level course on green chemistry as a dedicated subject spanning academic and industrial chemistry topics. The style of presentation is brief, where each section of each chapter begins with definitions of terms followed immediately in each case by easy examples that illustrate the implementation of the definitions. Each topic is briefly introduced followed by worked examples to illustrate the ideas for immediate understanding and implementation. Advanced problems are posed at the conclusion of each chapter. Consistent with good pedagogy, all examples and problems posed come directly from literature sources that are cited upfront for both instructors and students to view. Solutions to all problems are available electronically through the publisher’s website.
Published in John Andraos, Reaction Green Metrics, 2018
For teaching purposes, instructors can use the worked examples in a classroom setting to introduce topics for discussion in lectures and the problems as homework set exercises for deeper thought. It is recommended that the book be used in a one-semester introductory course on green chemistry as a dedicated subject spanning academic and industrial chemistry topics. The style of presentation is brief where definitions of terms are presented first along with an immediate easy example. Each topic is briefly introduced followed by worked examples to illustrate the ideas for immediate understanding and implementation. Advanced problems are posed at the conclusion of each chapter. Consistent with good pedagogy, all examples and problems posed come directly from literature sources, which are cited upfront for both instructors and students to view. Solutions to all problems are available electronically through the publisher’s website.
Jump-Starting the Learning Curve: Instructional Design for the Military
Published in Christopher Best, George Galanis, James Kerry, Robert Sottilare, Fundamental Issues in Defense Training and Simulation, 2013
For new trainees, studying worked examples produces better learning and transfer than conventional problem-solving exercises (e.g., Paas, 1993; Paas & van Merriënboer, 1994). For example, in one study, three groups of students received training in statistics. One module was divided into four cycles. For each cycle, all three groups were given a general principle – for example, definition of a mean – and a single example. Then, one group received two conventional problems to solve. Each problem provided the starting numbers and a goal, for example, “calculate the mean temperature.” A second group received two completion problems in which all the computations were provided except the last step, for example, dividing the sum of the numbers by the sample size. Finally, the third group received two worked examples, in which all the computations were provided. At the end of each cycle, all three groups were tested with a conventional problem.
Learning linear equations: capitalizing on cognitive load theory and learning by analogy
Published in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2022
We propose the use of worked examples to assist students to acquire schema for complex linear equations. There is a volume of research that supports the use of worked examples to enhance learning (Atkinson et al., 2000; Ngu et al., 2018; Sweller et al., 2011). Studying worked examples impose relatively low cognitive load because cognitive resources are directed to the problem states and problem-solving operators. In line with prior studies, we recommend that a student works individually to complete six worked example – practice equation pairs (Sweller et al., 2011; van Gog et al., 2011). Each of these pairs consists of a worked example and a practice equation that share a similar problem structure (Table 5). The use of practice equations, as researchers have noted, is warranted given that studying worked example pairs with solving a practice equation is an effective strategy that facilitates the acquisition of schema (e.g. Sweller & Cooper, 1985).
Transferring specialized content knowledge to elementary classrooms: preservice teachers’ learning to teach the associative property
Published in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2018
For example, Ball et al. [5] suggested using an example to make a specific mathematical point. Thus, teachers’ use of examples might serve as a window on teachers’ MKT [15]. These assertions were aligned with that of cognitive research where worked examples (problems with solutions given) were found effective in developing students’ relevant schema for solving new problems [16–18]. Consequently, teachers’ use of worked examples prior to students’ own problem-solving was recommended to reduce cognitive load and enhance learning [9]. Past studies on worked examples were mainly conducted in labs by showing students complete solutions. Given that students’ learning is not passive, a teacher in a mathematics classroom should engage students in the process of working out an example and making the underlying principles explicit. This process demands teachers’ SCK to unpack an example through representation uses and asking deep questions.
Engineering Mechanics: adoption of project-based learning supported by computer-aided online adaptive assessments – overcoming fundamental issues with a fundamental subject
Published in European Journal of Engineering Education, 2020
Cheslav Balash, Steven Richardson, Ferdinando Guzzomi, Alex Rassau
The validity of using CAA draws support, at least at the novice level, by Cognitive Load Theory (CLT; Sweller, van Merrienboer, and Paas 1998; van Merrienboer and Sweller 2005). Specifically, CLT supports the use of direct instruction (e.g. worked examples and example-problem pairs) as opposed to the use of problem/inquiry-based techniques, arguing that the latter introduces irrelevant cognitive load (Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark 2006; Kalyuga 2009). When compared to traditional pen-and-paper assessments, CAA has a number of clear benefits (Lawson 2002). Specifically, assessments can be accessed from virtually any device with Internet connectivity, feedback on assessments is provided immediately, repeated practice to develop skills is encouraged, and a sense of anonymity is provided to allow exercises to be attempted without the perceived risk of embarrassment from answering incorrectly. It has been observed that students who receive immediate feedback spend at least half of their study time examining the feedback to identify where exactly they went wrong (Gill and Greenhow 2007), while feedback given in traditional paper-based assessment forms is less effective, often remaining unread by students (Greenhow 2015). Furthermore, frequent and regular assessment is important in encouraging students to invest the necessary time into practice, which can be efficiently implemented using CAA. Goldfinch, Carew, and Thomas (2009) reported that many students did not invest time into Engineering Mechanics due to placing a higher priority onto other courses/units with weekly assessment deadlines. CAA has been implemented in engineering mechanics with positive outcomes: Prusty and Russell (2011) utilised an online adaptive tutorial system in two mechanics subjects at the University of New South Wales, Australia (one first year and one second year) and observed steadily improving pass rates over a period of four years as the tutorials developed, improved student satisfaction, and a reduced failure rate of the third year mechanics subject that followed.