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Learning Engineering Applies the Learning Sciences
Published in Jim Goodell, Janet Kolodner, Learning Engineering Toolkit, 2023
Jim Goodell, Janet Kolodner, Aaron Kessler
Working memory—where new learning starts—has limited capacity and requires greater mental effort. Cognitive load is the effort used in working memory. In some cases, a heavy cognitive load can impede learning. Cognitive load theory suggests that learning experiences should be designed so that they don’t overload working memory.
Minimally Invasive Microneedle Sensors Developments in Wearable Healthcare Devices
Published in Suresh Kaushik, Vijay Soni, Efstathia Skotti, Nanosensors for Futuristic Smart and Intelligent Healthcare Systems, 2022
Akshay Krishnakumar, Ganesh Kumar Mani, Raghavv Raghavender Suresh, Arockia Jayalatha Kulandaisamy, Kazuyoshi Tsuchiya, John Bosco Balaguru Rayappan
Cognitive load provides information on mental power spent in performing a work/task and has been widely assessed through exosomatic parameters such as those obtained through GSR. However, it is difficult to obtain appreciable skin conductance values using this technique for individuals with dry skin conditions. On the other hand, endosomatic parameters, which harnesses bio-potentials in absence of an external electrical stimulus,are reported to be more suitable for providing significant information on the psychological and mental load of subjects.
Simulated Practice
Published in Christopher M. Hayre, William A. S. Cox, General Radiography, 2020
Figure 11.1 indicates complexity of a scenario may increase according to level of learning. Cognitive load theory aims to develop instructional design based around reducing load on a person’s working memory. Too much load on working memory reduces the brains ability to transform knowledge into long-term memory. There are three types of cognitive load: intrinsic which is the complexity of the information needed to be processed; extraneous load is information that is not linked to the learning task but uses working memory and is therefore a distraction; lastly, germane load that is mental effort that supports the development of schema in the long-term memory. Schema are describing a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationship among them. Individuals use schemata to help understand rapidly changing environments by influencing their attention and absorption of new knowledge. This builds new frameworks to support future learning.
Video Game Design for Learning to Learn
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2023
Angela Pasqualotto, Jocelyn Parong, C. Shawn Green, Daphné Bavelier
Not only is the use of features that direct the learner’s attention to irrelevant stimuli problematic because it reduces the extent to which attention is paid to relevant stimuli, such features also represent undue cognitive load. In short, cognitive load refers to the amount of cognitive control resources a task calls for. Cognitive load is greater in tasks that require more information to be held in working memory, involve more demanding memory retrieval, or necessitate more complex memory content manipulation. These demands, particularly when accumulated via multiple sources of distraction, can lead to cognitive overload. As demonstrated by Lavie’s theory of load, under high cognitive load, distracting items more easily gain access to deeper levels of processing, becoming in effect even more distracting (Lavie, 2010; Watson et al., 2019). The neural bases of such cognitive control have been ascribed to the fronto-parietal control network and in particular to the control exerted by the dorso-lateral prefontal cortex on both perceptual information processing and memory retrieval. Accordingly, such frontal control is seen as central during the early stages of learning; whereby, in the later stages of automatization more subcortical structures such as the basal ganglia becomes more prominent, at least during skill learning.
How is mobile task performance different? The case of information processing without information search
Published in Behaviour & Information Technology, 2022
Cognitive load theory is based on the premise that an individual’s cognitive architecture consists of a limited working memory with partly independent processing units that interact with an (effectively) unlimited long-term memory (Paas et al. 2003). The theory distinguishes between three types of cognitive load: intrinsic, extraneous, and germane (Noroozi et al. 2012; Paas et al. 2003; Sweller 2010). The intrinsic cognitive load associated with a given cognitive task is a function of the natural complexity of that task (which can be quantified through element interactivity – the number of items required to be held in working memory in order to perform the task), coupled with the knowledge levels of the specific person engaged in the task. The value of a task’s intrinsic cognitive load is fixed and cannot be altered except by changing knowledge levels. The extraneous cognitive load associated with a task refers to the extra cognitive load associated with comprehending the instructions for that task. Extraneous cognitive load is high when a task’s instructions are poorly designed. The germane cognitive load is associated with the working memory resources that a person devotes to transfer the knowledge from short-term memory to long-term memory, representing the actual acquisition of new knowledge. Germane cognitive load is the load related to processes that contribute to the construction and automation of information schemas.
Learning linear equations: capitalizing on cognitive load theory and learning by analogy
Published in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2022
Cognitive load theory (Sweller et al., 2011) has evolved to be a prominent theory in guiding the design of instructions across different disciplines since its inception more than three decades ago. Recently, Australian teachers are encouraged to incorporate the design principles of cognitive load theory in designing instructions for effective learning (NSW Department of Education, 2017). Cognitive load researchers predominantly focus on well-structured academic disciplines (Becher, 1987, 1994), such as mathematics and science education. The discipline of mathematics education, given the scope of our inquiry, is appropriate and relevant to this article. There are three types of cognitive load (i.e. intrinsic, extraneous, germane), which are theorized to influence how a learner processes information from the contextual environment.