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Software in the Context of the System
Published in Leanna Rierson, Developing Safety-Critical Software, 2017
Software is part of the system implementation. The system architecture and requirements drive the software development. Therefore, it is critical for systems, software, safety, and hardware engineers to communicate. The earlier and more frequently that communication occurs throughout the development process, the fewer problems will occur. The systems, safety, software, and hardware leads should develop a close working relationship throughout the project. I like to compare the four-disciplined team to the four legs of a chair. Without one of the legs, the chair is severely limited. Without two legs, it is useless. Communication failures among the four disciplines lead to unnecessary challenges—potentially causing wrong interpretation and implementation of system requirements, missed dependencies, inadequate tests, and wasted time and money. During a recent assessment of test data for a safety-critical avionics application, our team noticed that some of the software requirements were not tested. The software test lead said that the systems test team was exercising those requirements. When we approached the system test lead, he responded: “We aren’t testing those, because the software guys are.” Failure to communicate and to share test matrices led to a situation where no one was testing some of the system functions. Simple communication was all that was needed to avoid this problem.
Systems Theory
Published in Vivek Kale, Enterprise Process Management Systems, 2018
Designing the system’s architecture is a critical first step in system construction because the architecture is used to ensure that the overall system objectives are being met. The system architecture frames the detailed design and construction of the parts that will make up the system and can help to identify potential functional and quality attribute issues. Through the architecture design, these issues can be addressed early on in the development process, minimizing downstream production costs and maximizing overall product quality.
Published in Hanky Sjafrie, Introduction to Self-Driving Vehicle Technology, 2019
A good system architecture is essential when building any complex software product. Having a good system architecture not only minimizes the overall development and maintenance effort in the long run, but it also makes the system easier to improve or update in the future. A good system architecture generally combines widely used design patterns and well-proven design principles with innovative approaches to mitigate application-specific problems, ideally by taking advantage of the local characteristics of the system.
Architecture and Governance of Digital Business Ecosystems: A Systematic Literature Review
Published in Information Systems Management, 2023
Abide Coskun-Setirek, Maria Carmela Annosi, William Hurst, Wilfred Dolfsma, Bedir Tekinerdogan
The term system architecture is defined as “fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution” by ISO/IEC/IEEE 42011 (2011). The attributes, behaviors, and relationships in a system are represented using various notations. According to the standards, architecture descriptions are used to express architecture and architecture views, which describe architectures, are comprised of one or more architecture models. These models are constructed in accordance with architecture viewpoints, which are sets of framing conventions and include methods, kinds, languages, and notations of modeling. A coherent set of architecture viewpoints define an architecture framework. Architectural design is defined as the “process of defining a collection of hardware and software components and their interfaces to establish the framework for the development of a computer system” by IEEE (1990) and architectural patterns command a fundamental role in this process.
Knowledge-based engineering approach for defining robotic manufacturing system architectures
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2023
Chen Zheng, Yushu An, Zhanxi Wang, Xiansheng Qin, Benoît Eynard, Matthieu Bricogne, Julien Le Duigou, Yicha Zhang
From the perspective of systems engineering, the definition of architectures plays a key role in linking user requirements and designer activities because the system architecture serves as the abstract structure of a system that ideally meets user requirements and provides designers with reference information on individual modules or components that must be designed and validated in subsequent design activities. However, users may find it difficult to customise system architectures because of their lack of engineering knowledge. Therefore, this paper proposed a KBE architecture definition method that helps users structure their design requirements and automatically generate the most suitable architecture for a robotic manufacturing system using existing components with minimal cost and time investments. Two models (the ontological knowledge model and the MADM model) are defined in the KBE architecture definition method. A rule-based reasoning process is proposed in the ontological knowledge model based on explicit semantic relationships between user requirements and existing components; this model is used to infer possible architectures. In addition, the MADM model was adopted to evaluate the most suitable architecture among several alternatives. The validity of the proposed KBE architecture definition method was demonstrated by a case study on the design of a robotic welding system.
Driving Industrial Digital Transformation
Published in Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2022
Temitayo Abiodun, Giselle Rampersad, Russell Brinkworth
An approach to developing an IDT conceptual framework is integrating existing technologies with IDT design considerations. Salkin, Oner, Ustundag and Cevikcan 53 proposed a framework based on design principles identified by.77 Design or architecture principles are critical to defining system architecture; they describe the essential aspects of the system design and provide the necessary guide for its management.78 Principles relate the system’s high-level strategies to its practical design, ensuring its design and evolution track its objectives. They are critical for presenting the essence of system design.79 The Salkin, Oner, Ustundag and Cevikcan 53 model adopted the design principles of Li, Xu and Zhao,77 including real-time data management, interoperability, virtualization, decentralization, agility, service orientation, and integrated business processes.