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Origins of Cryptography
Published in Wayne Patterson, Cynthia E. Winston-Proctor, Behavioral Cybersecurity, 2020
Wayne Patterson, Cynthia E. Winston-Proctor
The encryption maps each letter of the message text to a letter of cipher text according to the permutation defined earlier. Thus, “MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU” becomes “DFX PUT IHMCT AT VSPU XHQ,” or, more likely, “DFXPU TIHMC TATVS PUXHQ.” It is common practice to group the text in equal size blocks. On the one hand, the spaces allow for easier human reading, but more importantly, the normal position of the blanks or spaces tells us the word lengths.
Origins of Cryptography
Published in Wayne Patterson, Cynthia E. Winston-Proctor, Behavioral Cybersecurity, 2019
Wayne Patterson, Cynthia E. Winston-Proctor
The encryption maps each letter of the message text to a letter of cipher text according to the permutation defined above. Thus, “MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU” becomes “DFX PUT IHMCT AT VSPU XHQ”, or, more likely, “DFXPU TIHMC TATVS PUXHQ”. It is common practice in older cryptosystems to group the text in equal size blocks. On the one hand, the spaces allow for easier human reading; but more importantly, the normal position of the blanks or spaces tells us the word lengths.
Extraction of affective responses from customer reviews: an opinion mining and machine learning approach
Published in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2020
Z. Li, Z. G. Tian, J. W. Wang, W. M. Wang
Word segmentation, which is to divide sentences into single words, is conducted subsequently. Spaces are considered as the word divider. Since opinion mining and semantic analysis are mostly based on single words. Therefore, sentence and word segmentation are the basis of opinion mining and semantic analysis. As shown in Table 1, a sentence ‘Great quality’ is divided into ‘Great’ and ‘quality’. The aims of word segmentation are to conduct POS tagging and develop a Bag of Words (BoW) model.