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Typical Workstation Environments
Published in Paul W. Ross, The Handbook of Software for Engineers and Scientists, 2018
TeX (pronounced tech) is a text processing program developed by Donald Knuth that is also available free. In fact, Knuth has published all of the original source code for the entire program. It is a very powerful text formatter and can handle complicated mathematical notations as well as large varieties of fonts and layouts. It does that by imbedding special commands within the text. One of its values is that the text, with the TeX commands, can still be stored and transferred as plain ASCII text. Although powerful, it is not trivial to learn how to use TeX proficiently—it has been called the assembly language of text formatting. Thus Leslie Lamport introduced LaTeX, which is essentially a set of macro definitions for TeX that make it easier to use. Like TeX, LaTeX is powerful and can be stored and transferred as plain ASCII. Most Unix systems (and many other systems, for that matter) will have TeX and LaTeX available.
Conceptual Design for a Blanket Tritium Extraction Test Stand
Published in Fusion Science and Technology, 2021
Chase N. Taylor, Thomas F. Fuerst, Paul W. Humrickhouse, Robert J. Pawelko, Masashi Shimada
A schematic of the conceptual reverse permeator is shown in Fig. 3 (see Ⓑ in Fig. 1 for context within TEX), where the permeator membrane tube is shown oriented vertically at the center of the chamber. The membrane in this case is approximately 152 mm in length and 10 mm in outer diameter and could be a Group V metal or ⍺-iron. The permeator tube passes through a tungsten filament, which will be used to heat the permeator. Because the entire chamber volume will be filled with tritium seeded gas, a water-cooled shroud will surround the filament. This is necessary in order to reduce radiative heating of the reverse permeator chamber and mitigate unwanted tritium permeation through the structural components. The pressure of the reverse permeator will be precisely monitored using baratron pressure gauges as well as an electronic-controlled back pressure regulator. The baratron will measure the decrease in static pressure due to permeation into the PbLi. These sensors will be fundamental in determining how much tritium enters the PbLi. Figure 4 shows the temperature and pressure conditions of the reverse permeator necessary to achieve a desired deuterium concentration in the PbLi, using the analytical solutions from Ref. 15. As shown, using ⍺-iron in the reverse permeator will be able to provide deuterium concentrations relevant to helium-cooled lithium-lead (HCLL), water-cooled lithium-lead (WCLL), and DCLL blanket concepts.9
An open-source web mapping tool to estimate wind energy in the Iberian Peninsula
Published in Journal of Spatial Science, 2019
Francisco Gomariz-Castillo, Francisco Alonso-Sarría, Juan Pedro Montávez, Raquel Lorente-Plazas
The PL/R function embedded in PostgreSQL generates a large quantity of data and figures that need to be organised in a report the user can download. In this case, LaTeX, a document formatting language based on TeX, was used. The main advantage of this solution is that the compilation of the report can be integrated directly in the working environment using an R system call, so all the processes – from obtaining the coordinates to the generation of the final report – are triggered by an SQL query sent by the client.