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Chemical Terrorist Agents
Published in Robert A. Burke, Counter-Terrorism for Emergency Responders, 2017
In toxicology studies, the dose given to test organisms is expressed in terms of the quantity administered: Quantity per unit mass (or weight): Usually expressed as milligram per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg).Quantity per unit area of skin surface: Usually expressed as milligram per square centimeter (mg/cm2).Volume of substance in air per unit volume of air: Usually given as microliters of vapor or gas per liter or air by volume (ppm). Particulates and gases are also given as milligrams of material per cubic meter of air (mg/m3).
Properties of Water and Steam
Published in John Bird, Newnes Engineering Science Pocket Book, 2012
As for internal energy, the actual value of enthalpy is usually unimportant and it is the change in enthalpy that is usually required. In heat transfer problems involving steam and water, water is considered to have zero enthalpy at a standard pressure of 101 kPa and a temperature of 0°C. The word ‘specific’ associated with quantities indicates ‘per unit mass’. Thus the specific enthalpy is obtained by dividing the enthalpy by the mass and is denoted by the symbol h. Thus: specificenthalpyh=enthalpymass=Hm
Ground/Soil Types and Thermo-Physical Properties
Published in Vasile Minea, Heating and Cooling with Ground-Source Heat Pumps in Cold and Moderate Climates, 2022
The ground/soil specific heat defines the amount of energy stored in a material sample per unit mass or volume, and per unit change in temperature. In practice, values for the ground/soil specific heat are expected to be as high as possible to minimize the storage volume and enhance the heat exchange. The mass specific heat defines the amount of energy stored in a material per unit mass per unit change in temperature. It does not depend on the ground/soil microstructure; thus, in most cases, it is satisfactory to calculate the specific heat of ground/soils from the specific heat of the different constituents according to their volume ratios.
Shock wave propagation in a rotational axisymmetric dusty gas for adiabatic flow using group invariance method
Published in Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2023
The internal energy ‘’ per unit mass for dusty gas is [11,12] where , , , is the specific heat of the solid particles, and are the specific heat of the mixture at constant volume and pressure, respectively; and are the specific heat of the gas at constant volume and pressure, respectively.
On the dispersion of waves for the linear thermoelastic relaxed micromorphic model
Published in Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2020
Aarti Khurana, Suman Bala, Hassam Khan, Sushil K. Tomar, Patrizio Neff
For the relaxed micromorphic body, the expression of kinetic energy per unit mass, in terms of generalized velocities is given as where the superpose dot denotes the time derivative and ζ is the microinertia. We define the total energy per unit mass, where is the total internal energy per unit mass. For the thermoelastic relaxed micromorphic continuum, the principle of balance of energy is written as where dak is the surface element, dv is the volume element, σkl is the force stress tensor, mkl is the nonsymmetric second-order moment stress tensor1, h denotes the heat supply per unit mass, qk is the heat vector, fl is the body force, Mkl is the body moment, and the symbol ϵ is the standard Levi-Civita tensor. Following the procedure adopted by Eringen [30], the balance laws related to conservation of linear momentum and angular momentum are obtained as where skl is any arbitrary symmetric tensor and is the spin tensor given by In order to obtain the energy balance law, we apply the Transport and Green-Gauss Theorems on Eq. (6) and utilizing Eqs. (5) and (7), we obtain
Application of SPH to Single and Multiphase Geophysical, Biophysical and Industrial Fluid Flows
Published in International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2021
Paul W. Cleary, Simon M. Harrison, Matt D. Sinnott, Gerald G. Pereira, Mahesh Prakash, Raymond C. Z. Cohen, Murray Rudman, Nick Stokes
The SPH heat equation is based on the internal energy equation developed in Cleary and Monaghan (1999), but modified to use an enthalpy formulation for solidifying metals (Cleary 1998): where the summation is the heat conduction term. The enthalpy per unit mass is defined by where θ is a temperature variable, cp is the temperature dependent specific heat, L is the latent heat and fs (T) is the volume fraction of material that is solid at temperature T, kb is the conductivity, and Tab = Ta – Tb.