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Wearable Sensors for Monitoring Exercise and Fatigue Estimation in Rehabilitation
Published in Manuel Cardona, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Cecilia E. García Cena, Internet of Medical Things, 2021
Maria J. Pinto-Bernal, Andres Aguirre, Carlos A. Cifuentes, Marcela Munera
One technique used to regulate the exercise intensity in training is the Metabolic Equivalent (MET). This unit represents the relationship between the rate of energy spent on physical activity and the rate of energy spent at rest [3]. In other words, it is defined as the caloric consumption of an active individual compared to the resting basal metabolic rate. This information is useful for prescribing exercise intensity, as well as to identify the functional capacity of the patient. For that, this method needs to estimate the amount of energy that each person uses to perform a specific activity. Its requirement makes it complex to estimate the exact MET value, because it depends on the subject's characteristics (e.g., metabolism and weight) and requires complex instrumentation [61]. Therefore, several studies have been dedicated to generalize the MET values of different activities, based on measurements from healthy study subjects [61]. This generalization allows the clinical staff to select the activities for the training plan [4] and provides a practical, easy way to quantify the energy cost. However, this way of measuring exercise intensity has been criticized because it does not consider that some people have different chronic diseases or have a higher level of fitness than others; therefore, it does not provide a real-time patient condition [60].
Physical Activity in Everyday Life
Published in Robert Bridger, A Guide to Active Working in the Modern Office, 2019
Wen et al. (2011) asked people to report their daily leisure physical activity and classified the reported activity levels as follows: Light activity such as walking (2.5 METS)Moderate activity such as brisk walking (4.5 METS)Medium vigorous activity such as jogging (6.5 METS)High-vigorous activity such as running (8.5 METS). The “MET” (metabolic equivalent) is a unit of physical activity that indicates the intensity of the activity. One MET is equivalent to the resting metabolic rate (the energy required to maintain all the bodily processes essential for life when completely relaxed and at rest). So, watching television has a value of one MET whereas sleeping has a value of 0.9 METs. Sedentary office work (e.g., when using a keyboard and looking at a screen) has a value of about 1.5 METS or lower. Standing still has a MET value of 1.59 METS (Mansoubi et al., 2015). Walking slowly has a value of 2 METS.
Natural Ventilation and Thermal Comfort
Published in Ulrike Passe, Francine Battaglia, Designing Spaces for Natural Ventilation, 2015
Ulrike Passe, Francine Battaglia
The metabolic rate of occupants indicates the major activity undertaken by the occupants and the energy produced and released by that activity. This energy is important as energy load for the cooling energy needed, but it is also an indication of the rate at which heat is dissipated from the body and influences the air temperature at which occupants experience comfort depending on their activity. The metabolic equivalent of task (MET) is the ratio of metabolic rate when working to the metabolic rate when resting.
Predicting musculoskeletal symptoms in workers of a manufacturing company
Published in International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2021
Isabel Moreira-Silva, Joana Azevedo, Sandra Rodrigues, Aderito Seixas, Mota Jorge
The level of physical activity and the sitting time of the participants were estimated with the short version of the international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ) [27]. Total physical activity was expressed as metabolic equivalent (MET) minutes per week by quantifying the reported minutes in each activity category, in the last 7 days, by the MET specific to each activity (total physical activity = 3.3 MET × walking minutes × walking days + 4.0 MET × moderate-intensity activity minutes × moderate days + 8.0 MET × vigorous-intensity activity minutes × vigorous-intensity days), according to the guidelines for data analysis of this questionnaire. The physical activity level of the participants was expressed as active, insufficiently active and inactive. The sitting time was auto-reported by the respondents when answering a specific item in the questionnaire asking the amount of sitting time in the last 7 days.
Walking and biologic ageing: Evidence based on NHANES telomere data
Published in Journal of Sports Sciences, 2020
To quantify the amount of physical activity engaged in other than walking, MET-minutes per week were determined for the 47 physical activities assessed besides walking (NHANES, 2001-2002b). A MET is a metabolic equivalent. One MET is the amount of energy expended by a person at rest (ACSM, 2014). Reviewing each of the physical activities on the list, subjects indicated if they participated in the activity at least once for at least 10 minutes in the past 30 days (NHANES, 2001-2002b). Subjects also reported if the intensity of the activity was moderate or vigorous, according to NHANES descriptions (NHANES, 2001-2002b). Based on the intensity reported, each activity was given one of two MET levels, moderate or vigorous. Subjects also indicated the number of times during the past 30 days they participated in the activity (NHANES, 2001-2002b). Additionally, they reported the typical duration of each bout of activity. Using the intensity, frequency, and duration information for each of the 47 activities other than walking, MET-minutes for each activity were calculated. Lastly, all the MET-minutes were summed providing an index of total MET-minutes of physical activity, other than walking.
New insight for activity intensity relativity, metabolic expenditure during object projection skill performance
Published in Journal of Sports Sciences, 2018
Ryan S. Sacko, Kerry McIver, Ali Brian, David F. Stodden
Physical Activity Guidelines state that adults should participate in 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per day or 150 minutes per week and adolescence to participate in a minimum of 60 minutes or more of MVPA every day to achieve substantial health benefits (Haskell et al., 2007). However, only 20% of adults in the United States actually meet these guidelines (Prevention & Promotion, 2011). Performing activities that involve continuous/repetitive locomotor movements such as jogging or participating in activities like soccer or tennis are generally promoted to achieve these guidelines (Eisenmann, Wickel, Welk, & Blair, 2005; Farpour-Lambert et al., 2009; Nourry et al., 2005) as they have been noted to require high energy expenditure levels measured in “METs” (Ainsworth et al., 2011). A MET (metabolic equivalent of task) is the standard unit of energy expenditure and the physiological equivalent to the energy required during resting metabolism, or 3.5 mL of oxygen/kg of body weight/minute in adults (Jetté, Sidney, & Blümchen, 1990). Activities that require at least 3 METs are classified as moderate intensity activity in adults, with >6 METs being classified as vigorous activities (Ainsworth et al., 2011; Passmore & Durnin, 1955). METs have traditionally been measured in a controlled laboratory setting, using a treadmill and fixed expired gas analyzing equipment that requires the user to remain in a structured environment. Advancements in portable gas analyzers allow for validated estimated measurement of METs in a variety of dynamic tasks by allowing for increased freedom of movement outside a controlled laboratory environment (Pinnington, Wong, Tay, Green, & Dawson, 2001).