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Predictive and Analytical Tools in Design
Published in Ali J Jamnia, Khaled Atua, Executing Design for Reliability within the Product Life Cycle, 2019
The next logical area to focus on for reliability and robustness in design is tolerance analysis. Part-to-part variations are unavoidable, but they are controllable. One way that design engineers control part-to-part variations is to specify tolerances on the engineering drawing. Once part variations are defined via specified tolerances, the design should be analyzed to ensure that the specified components and their specified variations would, indeed, form the intended assemblies or function as expected. This activity is called tolerance analysis. Typically, there are three common techniques for this purpose. These are worst-case analysis, the root sum of squares method, and Monte Carlo analysis. We will be discussing these methods briefly.
Engineering design
Published in Riadh Habash, Green Engineering, 2017
Since the early days of engineering design, the challenge of communicating to other people has been obvious. In their most basic form, engineering drawing is the major tool used to communicate information about a design to others who will be engaged in producing or realizing the design. What is the best way to characterize an engineering design? Tools and methods have always played a major role in that process, because design is all about manipulating the physical environment. Tools are roughly related to the various design stages. Methods are instructions of how to go about doing something, and can involve tools. For instance, brainstorming is a method that involves pens and papers as tools.
Tolerance Specification and Analysis
Published in Ali Jamnia, Introduction to Product Design and Development for Engineers, 2018
The revolution in manufacturing that people such as Henry Ford helped to advance was brought about by the concept of replaceable components. The basis of an assembly-line approach to manufacturing rests on this concept. I first discussed this concept in Chapters 12 and 13. In these two chapters, among others, I suggested that part-to-part variations are unavoidable. One way that design engineers control part-to-part variations is to specify tolerances in the engineering drawing. The foregoing argument focused on the relationship between the specified tolerances and the capability of the manufacturing process to deliver the required tolerances.
Tolerance estimation and metrology for reverse engineering based remanufacturing systems
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2022
However, significant issues can be raised in RE and AM embedded remanufacturing systems because of their primary objective, i.e. reproducing parts that are qualified by OEM specifications. Tolerance is a major OEM geometric specification that is often overlooked (Geng and Bidanda 2017). Even though the nominal design is of great importance, tolerance specification within CAD design is also critical for manufacturing process design and planning (Hong and Chang 2002; Guo et al. 2016). Tolerances are assigned to the feature dimensions to enable them to fit into an assembly. According to engineering drawing standards (ASME Y14.100-2017), tolerances are required to be assigned to each of the feature dimensions in the design to avoid confusion in both the design and manufacturing departments. However, the current practice of RE only focuses on reconstructing the nominal design by scanning the physical object without assigning any tolerance to the feature and dimension. In previous research (Geng and Bidanda 2021), an accurate estimation of the nominal design is proposed based on multiple scans of several parts. However, other types of design information are also essential components of product design and production (Xu 2008). Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) specification is one of the most critical pieces of information that dominates both the manufacturing process selection, planning, and part inspection (Schleich and Wartzack 2018). Moreover, qualified parts are ones whose geometric dimensions should be at least within the original GD&T specification for application purposes. However, most of the design information is either missing or inaccessible in RE embedded remanufacturing applications.