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Digital learning innovation on concept development course. A study in visual communication design program at Universitas Ciputra
Published in Ratri Wulandari, Idhar Resmadi, Vika Haristianti, Rahmiati Aulia, Riky Taufik Afif, Gema Ari Prahara, Aulia Ibrahim Yeru, Dynamics of Industrial Revolution 4.0: Digital Technology Transformation and Cultural Evolution, 2021
This strategy is carried out quantitatively by survey methods. The survey was distributed to 49 respondents and analyzed descriptive statistics. According to Sugiyono (2012: 13), descriptive research is research conducted to determine the value of an independent variable, either one variable or more (independent) without making the comparison, or connecting with other variables. In the second phase, the quantitative data obtained deepen through interviews with students associated with the study of literature about the design process and development of online courses. The framework used in this research is the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) framework, which considers three main aspects: technological, pedagogical, and content aspects (Kaplon-Schilis & Lyublinskaya 2020: 25–43).
Financial performance impact on capital structure: Study on construction companies and transportation infrastructure companies in ASEAN-5 countries 2011–2019
Published in Siska Noviaristanti, Contemporary Research on Management and Business, 2023
The research design describes the research problems consisting of the framework, organization, and configuration of the relationships between variables in the study and the investigation plan used to obtain empirical evidence of these relationships. This research used descriptive and exploratory research designs. In the research design, there were two classifications, namely explorative and conclusive. The purpose of exploratory research is to investigate a problem to provide a better understanding. Meanwhile, the descriptive research design is a research that provides a clear statement about the problem being researched, has a specific hypothesis, and provides all the necessary information in details.
Analysis of customer satisfaction as an intervening variable on the effect of retail service quality on customer loyalty at Uniqlo Indonesia
Published in Indira Rachmawati, Ratih Hendayani, Managing Learning Organization in Industry 4.0, 2020
Data analysis techniques in quantitative research use statistics. Two kinds of statistics can be used for quantitative research analysis – namely, descriptive and inferential statistics. In this study, researchers used descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. Indrawati (2015: 116) states that descriptive statistics analyze data by describing data collected without intent to make conclusions or generalizations that apply to the public. The purpose of descriptive research is to describe the characteristics of a group, to estimate the percentage of the unit analyzed, and to determine the perceptions of users of a product. Descriptive statistics present data in tabular and graphical forms.
Socioeconomic status influences Turkish digital natives’ internet use habitus
Published in Behaviour & Information Technology, 2023
In this study, a cross-sectional quantitative descriptive research methodology was used to provide an accurate profile of EFL undergraduate prep year students’ mobile technology use behaviour along with diverse associational data. In broad terms, descriptive research is considered as an aid to provide an accurate and undistorted portray of reality and to fathom out the phenomenon that is being researched (Fraenkel and Wallen 2006; Porte 2010; Ruane 2005). De Vaus (2002) remarks ‘descriptive research plays a key role in highlighting the existence and extent of social problems, can stimulate social action and provide the basis of well-targeted social policy interventions’ (23). More specifically, Chapelle (2008) highlights that ‘In technology studies for language learning, like other areas of educational technology, the foremost research issue is to understand how learners work with technology for learning, and therefore descriptive research has been a priority’ (590). However, numerous scholars lament that there is a dearth of descriptive research in education discipline regarding the actual classroom situations and student behaviour and habits (Chapelle 2008; Stern 1991; Richards and Schmidt 2013).
Measuring transformational leadership profiles – an empirical study across 21 nations in a multinational company
Published in Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 2018
Thanh Ha-Vikström, Josu Takala
This study is a cooperative venture between the University of Vaasa and the Learning and Development department of a multinational energy company. With respect to the requirement of the studied company, its name as well as the different business units will not be revealed. The participants are the middle-level managers/leaders in four different business units. This level of managers was chosen since they have the largest amount of subordinates/followers compared to higher levels. Regarding the research method, we utilise a descriptive research approach to answer our specific research question and also to describe the facts in an accurate way.
Toward a social construction of water resources management: The case of Kalimantan
Published in Cogent Engineering, 2021
Edy Sriyono, Dyah Permata Budi Asri, Sardi Sardi
This research employs Anthony Giddens’s (1984) structuration theory that looks at the relationship or reciprocity between agents and structures. We use qualitative research with a descriptive case study approach (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). We utilize data and information that are intended to describe problems systematically, factually, and actually that occur at the study site. Descriptive research describes a situation or process that is studied in depth to help researchers in explaining the reasons behind phenomena. Data collected through interviews, observations, and secondary documentation (Denzin and Lincoln, 2011).