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Developing Performance Support Products
Published in James R. Williams, Developing Performance Support for Computer Systems, 2004
Wizards help users accomplish tasks that may be very complex and/or require experience to perform. A wizard can be used to automate almost any highly structured task in a software application (e.g., creating new objects, formatting a table or paragraph). Wizards actually perform a set of actions in the primary window, unlike cue cards and advisors that only recommend an action. Since the wizard does it for them, wizards do not help users learn to perform activities. The use of a wizard may be based on its availability as suggested by the application based on context and user actions or may depend on the user’s perceived need or awareness of its existence. In those cases where it is desirable to allow expert users to perform, or modify the work done by a wizard, the wizard interface should allow user intervention in the process and/or results. Wizards are particularly appropriate for complex, mundane tasks that users do not enjoy performing or tasks that require highly structured and rigid inputs (e.g., system installation).
Culture coding - a method for diversifying artefact associations in design ideation
Published in International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 2022
Jana Pejoska, Eva Durall, Merja Bauters, Teemu Leinonen
The participants attending the workshop (n = 18) were between 20 and 65 years old, 11 self-identified female and 7 self-identified males from diverse cultural backgrounds who use digital social and communication technology daily. The duration of the workshop was approximately 2 hours, consisting of three parts: Acting through Culture Codes (approximately 40 min); Discussion on the experiences (approximately 30 mins) and user experience design session (approximately 30 mins). The event was photo-documented, the Codes were digitally archived, and notes were taken from the discussions. The facilitators used an existing mobile social media service (WhatsApp) for distributing the Codes (Figure 5) to the participant’s mobile phones. The idea was to simulate an algorithm in a Wizard of Oz fashion, that could work independently with a user. Wizard of Oz prototypes have been used extensively to recreate the experience of a user interface (UI) before a system is fully functional (Dahlbäck et al., 1993; Klemmer et al., 2000; Maulsby et al., 1993). The Wizard of Oz can be considered experience prototyping in which people interact with a system without knowing that the responses are generated by a human instead of a computer (Bella & Hanington, 2012).
RESTsec: a low-code platform for generating secure by design enterprise services
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2018
Christoforos Zolotas, Kyriakos C. Chatzidimitriou, Andreas L. Symeonidis
Having used our low-code platform RESTsec, ABAC is embedded in the design of the service and the source code is automatically generated. The generated source code that implements the PEPs (see Section 3.1.1) for every exposed REST endpoint, follows the structure of Listing 1. First, the PEP queries for the Subject (e.g. the user is authenticated). Then it queries for the Object to which access is requested. This applies to all GET/PUT/DELETE HTTP requests. In case of a PUT/POST HTTP request, the Included Object parameter is also required to model the submitted resource upon which some rules might have to be evaluated. Finally, the Allowed Action parameter is defined, in order for the Subject to perform the desired action on the specified Object. In case the evaluation outcome is PERMIT, the Subject is authorized and the Allowed Action code is executed. The full definition of the code structure and layout for the PDP, PIP and PAP is too lengthy to include but can be found online36. The role of the PAP ABAC component that allows the Security Expert to model the required policy is undertaken by the MDE ABAC Wizard User Interface (presented in Section 4).
Measuring Intuitive Use: Theoretical Foundations
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2023
Daniel Reinhardt, Jörn Hurtienne
The IUUI group explicitly understands intuitive use as a sub-concept of usability (Hurtienne, 2011; Naumann et al., 2007). According to ISO standard 9241-11 usability is “the extent to which a system, product or service can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use” (ISO, 2018, p. 6). It follows that intuitive use, like usability, is not a property of the product, but describes the fit between goals, user characteristics, the product and the environment. As in the definition of usability, intuitive use is about effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction:Effectiveness is “the accuracy and completeness with which users achieve specified goals” (ISO, 2018, p. 9). Effectiveness is thus seen as a performance characteristic. If users are not able to achieve their goals with adequate precision and completeness, the use is neither usable nor intuitive (Hurtienne, 2011).Efficiency is defined as “the resources used in relation to the results achieved.” (ISO, 2018, p. 10). This is about maximising benefits at the lowest possible cost. However, according to IUUI, efficiency is limited to mental efficiency due to the subconscious application of prior knowledge. Intuitive use does not include physical or temporal efficiency (Hurtienne, 2011). This is to acknowledge that also a physically demanding or slow sequence of movements can serve to enhance mental efficiency. The example is an installation wizard that requires a user to make many mouse clicks for the benefit of being guided through a new and complex task with high mental efficiency (Hurtienne, 2011; Naumann et al., 2007). As task completion time is always a mix of mental and motor components, time measures can only be used as a criterion for assessing intuitive use when it is ensured that they represent mental demands only (e.g., latency in the CHAI method, see below).Satisfaction is defined as “the extent to which the user’s physical, cognitive and emotional responses that result from use of a system, product or service meet user’s needs and expectations.” (ISO, 2018, p. 11). The subjective assessment of the outcome of use is equally important for intuitive use and usability, although indicators related to information processing are predominantly suitable for assessing intuitive use. Various studies show that conscious information processing is not only less effective and less mentally efficient, but also leads to lower satisfaction than subconscious information processing (cf. Dijksterhuis & van Olden, 2006; Ullrich, 2014).