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Human teleoperation - a haptically enabled mixed reality system for teleultrasound
Published in Human–Computer Interaction, 2023
David Black, Yas Oloumi Yazdi, Amir Hossein Hadi Hosseinabadi, Septimiu Salcudean
In the teleultrasound system, the rosbridge server is set up on a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) running Ubuntu 18.04 on the expert PC. This allows for seamless integration with the expert’s Unity application and Phantom Omni drivers, which require Windows. Both the expert and follower user interfaces are 3D graphics applications built in Unity (Unity Technologies, Inc) using C#. The expert and follower interfaces therefore communicate with rosbridge via ROS#, an open source rosbridge client library from Siemens. The HoloLens runs a different build of the library called ROS#-UWP, which is compatible with the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) architecture of the device. In order to minimize latency, the orientation of the probe is encoded as a quaternion. The mesh is also preprocessed to decrease the required data transfer. This is discussed in the following section.