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Published in Ian Foster, Rayid Ghani, Ron S. Jarmin, Frauke Kreuter, Julia Lane, Big Data and Social Science, 2020
A DBMS protects the data that it stores from computer crashes: if your computer stops running suddenly (e.g., your operating system crashes or you unplug the power), the contents of your database are not corrupted. It does so by supporting transactions. A transaction is an atomic sequence of database actions. In general, every SQL statement is executed as a transaction. You also can specify sets of statements to be combined into a single transaction, but we do not discuss that capability here. The DBMS ensures that each transaction is executed completely even in the case of failure or error: if the transaction succeeds, the results of all operations are recorded permanently (“persisted”) in the database; if it fails, all operations are “rolled back” and no changes are committed. For example, suppose we run the following SQL statement to convert the funding amounts in the table from dollars to euros, by scaling each number by 0.9. The update statement specifies the table to be updated and the operation to be performed, which in this case is to update the Funding column of each row. The DBMS will ensure that either no rows are altered or all are altered.
Multiuser Concepts and Workflow Replicability in sUAS Applications
Published in J.B. Sharma, Applications of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2019
Jason A. Tullis, Katie Corcoran, Richard Ham, Bandana Kar, Malcolm Williamson
When educational or research collaborators are authenticated in GW, they can immediately access original shared workflows through the familiar ModelBuilder graphic block programming environment. These user-developed workflows as well as traditional assets are stored in an enterprise geodatabase for centralized access. Users may quickly share functional toolboxes (containers for multiple workflows) with any number of GW participants through configuration of PostgreSQL table permissions such as select and update. GW’s most powerful feature is that once toolboxes are shared (and become a form of prospective provenance), the recipient(s) can immediately execute the same workflow within a few seconds (as opposed to traditional delays of hours or minutes required to manage data access and file paths). This provides users with a replica of the full retrospective provenance (all the intermediate files, etc.) which is invaluable for GIS and UAS-based laboratory discussion, examination, and discovery.
Independent Vector Analysis of Non-Negative Image Mixture Model for Clinical Image Separation
Published in J. Dinesh Peter, Steven Lawrence Fernandes, Carlos Eduardo Thomaz, Advances in Computerized Analysis in Clinical and Medical Imaging, 2019
D. Sugumar, P. T. Vanathi, Xiao-Zhi Gao, Felix Erdmann Ott, M. S. Aezhisai Vallavi
Column wise update: Wu+1,v:=Wu+1,v−η∂2DcX,Wu+1,v∂Wu+1,vWu+1,vT
Enhancing the smart building supervisory system effectiveness
Published in Intelligent Buildings International, 2022
Dario Masucci, Chiara Foglietta, Stefano Panzieri, Stefano Pizzuti
In particular, three queries were implemented. The update query is used to modify the data. In particular, the value of the ‘checked’ field of the ‘historian_control_actions3’ table is updated to indicate that the command has been verified by the anomaly detection procedure. Through the insert query, a new record will be inserted into the ‘alarm’ table, which represents a new alarm generated and the information related to it, such as the identification code of the device that generated the alarm, the identification code of the command that generated the alarm, and the name of the control process concerned and a short textual description of the alarm.