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Human–Computer Interaction for Kids
Published in Julie A. Jacko, The Human–Computer Interaction Handbook, 2012
Amy Bruckman, Alisa Bandlow, Jill Dimond, Andrea Forte
In the late 1960s, Feurzeig and colleagues (Feurzeig, personal communication, 1996) at BBN invented Logo, the first programming language for kids. Papert extended Logo to include “turtle graphics,” in which kids learn geometric concepts by moving a “turtle” around the screen (Papert 1980). A variety of programming languages for kids have been developed over subsequent years, including Starlogo (Resnick 1994), Boxer (diSessa and Abelson 1986), Stagecast (Cypher and Smith 1995), Agentsheets (Repenning and Fahlen 1993), MOOSE (Bruckman 1997), Squeak (Guzdial and Rose 2001), Alice (Cooper, Dann, and Pausch 2000), and Scratch (Resnick et al. 2009).
Programming, mathematical reasoning and sense-making
Published in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2022
Most researchers have striven to find models for introducing programming to novices (Mendelson et al., 1990). For instance, Papert (1980) introduced the Logo programming language with turtle graphics to stimulate the development of the mini-language approach to helping students learn mathematical concepts through programming. Through experimenting with turtle graphics, students can develop a better feel for geometry and discover that 360° makes a full turn (Papert, 1980). Efforts to improve student access to programming have been made in order to move from the programming language used in Logo to the code blocks used, for example, in Scratch. Scratch is a visual block-based programming language that allows students to create a program (project) by dragging, dropping, and snapping graphical blocks of code into different sequences and combinations (e.g. Honey & Kanter, 2013; Marji, 2014; Vlieg, 2016). Resnick et al. (2009) noted that, unlike Logo, Scratch is more ‘tinkerable’, meaningful, and social.
Uncovering hidden windmills across contexts
Published in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2022
Over three decades ago, Papert (1980) introduced a computer environment – Logo, which included turtle graphics, a programming microworld for children to construct geometric shapes while thinking mathematically. As a part of a powerful programming language, turtle graphics is based on four commands (forward, back, right, and left) that allow users to create possible movements of the turtle that lead to constructions of geometric shapes. (For personal use or classroom exploration, a free Turtle graphics is available on Chrome1).