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Impact of the Use of IT on Business Systems
Published in Sharon Yull, BTEC National for IT Practitioners: Business Units, 2009
Data processing systems carry out the essential role of gathering, collating and processing the daily transactions of an organization. These systems are also referred to as transaction processing systems (TPS). Typical functions of a TPS include:accountsinvoicingstock managementledger keeping.
Information Systems
Published in Sharon Yull, BTEC National for IT Practitioners: Core Units, 2009
Data processing systems carry out the essential role of gathering, collating and processing the daily transactions of an organization. These systems are also referred to as transaction processing systems (TPS). Typical functions of a TPS include: accountsinvoicingstock managementledger keeping.
Socialising the decision-making process: transaction provenance decision support
Published in Journal of Decision Systems, 2020
At the technical level, these multisided platforms integrate the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)’s provenance Ontology (PROV-O) for the representation of transaction data (Moreau & Groth, 2013) and distributed ledger technology to provide a comprehensive transaction processing system that explores, assesses and validates the provenance of all the entities transacted in accord with the W3C Provenance standard and stores the verified transaction records transparently and immutably in a permissioned blockchain (Lyons & Courcelas, 2019).
SEVA: Secure E-Voting Application in Cyber Physical System
Published in Cyber-Physical Systems, 2022
Rahul Johari, Arvinder Kaur, Mohammad Hashim, Prateek Kumar Rai, Kanika Gupta
In [16] the author has discussed a way to analyse big data in a cloud computing environment using the Aneka tool. The author discussed the inability of an Online Transaction Processing system to analyse the large and complex data size. These data are often in an unstructured form which cannot be used in OLTP systems. The application used for analysis is the Remote Electronic Voting System. The voting system is used to collect votes from a large population. MongoDB is used for storing data.
An efficient integrity based multi-user blockchain framework for heterogeneous supply chain management applications
Published in International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2023
Mani Deep Karumanchi, J. I. Sheeba, S. Pradeep Devaneyan
The ease of doing business, security, and lack of reliance on third parties are all advantages that blockchain offers over existing systems. Using a blockchain, transactions can be completed quickly between parties without the need for an intermediary to verify them. A public blockchain, or ‘permissionless’ blockchain, is accessible to everyone. Public blockchain may not be the best option if the business owner wants complete control over the transaction processing system.