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Building product models, terminologies, and object type libraries
Published in Pieter Pauwels, Kris McGlinn, Buildings and Semantics, 2023
Aaron Costin, Jeffrey W. Ouellette, Jakob Beetz
The idea of using computers to digitise the design and manufacturing of products began in the 1950s during the early days of computing. In 1957, Pronto was the first commercial computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software, developed only a few years after the first automated robots were used in assembly lines. Soon, this use was extended to computer-aided design (CAD), a term coined by Douglas T. Ross around 1959 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as part of the earliest stages of what ultimately became the MIT Computer-Aided Design Project [80]. This concept for object-based design and parametric manipulation was published in Douglas C. Englebart’s 1962 paper Augmenting Human Intellect [120]. Cognitive design was also a popular topic of research for architecture, thus the combination of the two seemed destined. In 1963, Ivan Sutherland’s SketchPad (a.k.a. Robot Draftsman) was a breakthrough CAD program to show the benefits of using computer graphics for designing.
Graphical User Interfaces in Computer-Aided Control System Design
Published in Derek A. Linkens, CAD for Control Systems, 2020
H. A. Barker, M. Chen, P. W. Grant, C. P. Jobling, P. Townsend
The SKETCHPAD system [1] developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1963 is regarded as the point of origin for computer-aided design (CAD) [2] as well as computer graphics [3]. Although digital computers had been used for making analytical calculations in engineering since they emerged in the 1940s, the novelty of SKETCHPAD was that the user could for the first time interact with the computer graphically, via the medium of a display screen and light pen. Nevertheless, only relatively recently the development of graphical workstations has reached the point at which a genuine graphical user interface can be provided for a wide range of CAD applications, including computer-aided control system design (CACSD). It is now possible to match the considerable amount of effort invested in implementing modern system analysis and simulation tools with work of equal importance in developing graphical user interfaces to offer support for integration. It is for this reason that it is timely to consider the effects which recent developments are making, and will continue to make, on graphical user interfaces for CACSD.
User experience in VR systems
Published in Jennifer Whyte, Dragana Nikolić, Virtual Reality and the Built Environment, 2018
Jennifer Whyte, Dragana Nikolić
The 1960s saw the development of what became known as the computer ‘mouse’ (English et al., 1967). At that time, pioneering MIT computer scientist Ivan Sutherland wrote in his doctoral thesis that “In the past we have been writing letters to, rather than conferring with our computers” (Sutherland, 1963: 8). Sutherland created an early interactive graphical system called Sketchpad, which allowed users to draw vector lines on a computer screen with a light pen. Later work by Sutherland (1965, 1968) developed the concept of an immersive 3D computer environment viewed through a head-mounted display. Flight simulator research by the US Air Force and NASA also contributed to an understanding of the technical requirements of virtual reality, although this work was not published until much later (Earnshaw et al., 1993; Furness, 1986; McGreevy, 1990).
COVID-19 dispersion in naturally-ventilated classrooms: a study on inlet-outlet characteristics
Published in Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2022
Günsu Merin Abbas, Ipek Gursel Dino
Following outdoor CFD and energy simulations, contaminant transportation simulations are performed using CONTAM. CONTAM employs a zero-turbulence model (CFD0) to calculate indoor contaminant transportation and exposure (Wang, Dols, and Chen 2010). CFD0 is coupled with CONTAM based on the iterative exchange of the boundary conditions (Wang, Dols, and Chen 2010). Once the required inputs are provided to CONTAM, CFD0 simulates the airflow behaviour and gives feedback to CONTAM. CONTAM requires the following inputs to perform simulations. First, the classroom geometry is drawn in the 2D CONTAM Sketchpad environment and defined as a CFD zone (Dols and Polidoro 2015). Following, the weather data (ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction) is added manually into the contaminant model. Manually adding data is particularly prefered over using transient weather data to isolate the impact of opening configuration independent from the wind direction, and wind speed. CONTAM also requires a contaminant model that defines the particle specifications. The contaminant model parameters can be found in Table 1.
Examining mathematical technological knowledge of pre-service middle grades teachers with Geometer’s Sketchpad in a geometry course
Published in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2020
Vecihi S. Zambak, Andrew M. Tyminski
According to Jonassen et al. (1998), cognitive tools would work as mind extensions by doing unnecessary memory tasks, during which the user does not need to utilize his or her cognitive capacities for computational or representational tasks. Cognitive tools might also externalize the conceptual representation of problems to enable the transfer of problem-solving skills from one domain to the other (Jonassen, 1992). Dynamic geometry software (e.g. Geometer’s Sketchpad or GeoGebra) is one type of instructional technology that is often implemented in classrooms as a cognitive tool to support visualization and understanding of complex mathematical concepts (Dockendorff & Solar, 2018; Radakovic & McDougall, 2012; Tatar, Akkaya, & Kağizmanli, 2014; Zengin & Tatar, 2015). For this study, Geometer’s Sketchpad was classified as a cognitive tool; and PSMTs’ MTK was examined based on their experiences with Geometer’s Sketchpad while learning geometry.
Constructive struggle in geometry classrooms
Published in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2019
The purpose of these notes is to introduce two large-scale problems in the context of geometry that have the potential to foster constructive struggling, if implemented properly. Solutions to the problems are provided in the notes. These problems were discovered in the dynamic geometry environment of Geometer’s Sketchpad by one of the authors [4]. Teachers and readers are encouraged to explore the problems in a dynamic geometry environment. The knowledge of high-school Euclidean geometry should be sufficient to solve the two problems presented here. The two problems discussed here have some similarities; however, they are not parallel. The two problems are solved differently (on purpose) to illustrate that these problems can be solved in multiple ways. Teachers and readers are encouraged to come up with their own solutions to these problems and savour their constructive struggle before they see the solutions.