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Literature Review of Computer Tools for the Visually Impaired: A Focus on Search Engines
Published in Kayvan Najarian, Delaram Kahrobaei, Enrique Domínguez, Reza Soroushmehr, Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Medicine, 2022
Guy Meyer, Alan Wassyng, Mark Lawford, Kourosh Sabri, Shahram Shirani
In order to improve the experience of VI users, various applications have been released to quicken the search process. Yang et al., have created a Specialized Search Engine for the Blind (SSEB) that breaks down the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) (Yang et al., 2012). The paper also references an application by Google called Personalized Search which returns more relevant results to the SERP by basing current searches on past ones performed by the user (Yang et al., 2012). By employing a powerful Application Programming Interface (API) provided by the major SEs (i.e. Custom Search Engine by Google or the Bing Custom Search by Microsoft) the developers do not need to reimplement these algorithms. Google's PageRank, RankBrain, and Hummingbird search engine algorithms are intricate search techniques that require lots of effort to recreate. As a result, when developing new tools it is recommended that the focus remains on elevating the user experience rather than optimizing the search results.
Data Collection Methods
Published in Neville A. Stanton, Paul M. Salmon, Laura A. Rafferty, Guy H. Walker, Chris Baber, Daniel P. Jenkins, Human Factors Methods, 2017
Neville A. Stanton, Paul M. Salmon, Laura A. Rafferty, Guy H. Walker, Chris Baber, Daniel P. Jenkins
The reliability of the method is supported by studies such as that by Rodden and Fu (2007), which explores the correlation between mouse movement and eye movement when navigating through an online search engine results page. They concluded that mouse movement provides a reliable measure of the interface options considered by a user when making a mouse click. However, the reliability and validity of this method is not certain, as highlighted in research by Chen, Anderson and Sohn (2001), which discusses the limited level of empirical data supporting the link between mouse movement and option consideration.
Published in Wanda Grimsgaard, Design and Strategy, 2023
Search is pull marketing: Google typically accounts for over 50% of all web traffic, and is therefore often the most important market channel. In addition, it is on Google that you will find the customers who are already actively asking for what you are selling by searching for it - which also means that these customers are happy to get a good conversion rate. This type of marketing is often called on-demand marketing, because you market towards the customers’ active demand. Another word for this is pull marketing, because the customer himself retrieves (pull = pulls out) the information he needs. Becoming visible on Google can be done by one or a combination of these: SEC) (Search Engine Optimisation): Work with the website and the content in such a way that it makes you come up with good rankings for free. This is what is called search engine optimisation or Search Engine Optimisation.Pay Per Click (PPC): Buy ads through Google Ads. These ads are priced according to the model called pay per click meaning you do not pay anything for your ad before someone clicks and thus visits your landing page.YouTube: Work with YouTube SEO, i.e. steps that give better visibility of videos on YouTube.76 Hits from YouTube are fully integrated into the search engine results page on Google. Everything that is easier to watch being demonstrated, rather than being explained, is content that could be well-optimised videos on YouTube.
Factors influencing viewing behaviour on search engine results pages: a review of eye-tracking research
Published in Behaviour & Information Technology, 2021
Dirk Lewandowski, Yvonne Kammerer
Eye-tracking has also been used to gain a better understanding of users’ attention allocation and cognitive processing on search engine results pages (SERPs). A SERP is ‘the complete HTML page output that a search engine serves in response to a search query entered by a user’ (Lewandowski et al. 2018). Search engines are a central service of the Internet without which it would be inconceivable for users to find their way on the Web (Tavani 2012; Varian 2006). Thus, unsurprisingly, search is one of the two most popular activities on the Internet, rivalled only by e-mail. For instance, 91% of the U.S. population uses search engines (Purcell, Brenner, and Raine 2012) and Google alone answers more than 2 trillion search queries per year (Sullivan 2016). Besides, search engines and Google, in particular, enjoy a high level of trust among users. This has been shown, for instance, in studies on the credibility of search results (Purcell, Brenner, and Raine 2012), on the assumption of the factual correctness of search results (Purcell, Brenner, and Raine 2012), on trust in the ‘right’ result ranking (Pan et al. 2007), and on the use of search engine rankings as a criterion for the quality of content (Westerwick 2013).