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Basics of the Unix System
Published in Paul W. Ross, The Handbook of Software for Engineers and Scientists, 2018
F. Sanders Alton, Pickering Robert
The same file name may appear in several directories but will always have a unique path name. The directory hierarchy determines the path name for a file. The full path name of a file consists of a sequence of directory names (the root has no name) separated by slashes. Thus the path name /tom/dick/harry represents a file named harry contained in the directory dick which in turn is contained in the directory tom. The directory tom is contained in the root directory. The file harry may be an ordinary file, a directory, or a special file. The path name for the root directory is simply ‘/’.
Importing data
Published in Rafael A. Irizarry, Introduction to Data Science, 2019
You can think of your computer’s filesystem as a series of nested folders, each containing other folders and files. Data scientists refer to folders as directories. We refer to the folder that contains all other folders as the root directory. We refer to the directory in which we are currently located as the working directory. The working directory therefore changes as you move through folders: think of it as your current location.
Machine Learning Technique to Detect Sybil Attack on IoT Based Sensor Network
Published in IETE Journal of Research, 2021
Abolfazl Mehbodniya, Julian L. Webber, Mohammad Shabaz, Hamidreza Mohafez, Kusum Yadav
RPL is an IPv6 routing protocol for energy-constrained and error-prone networks [5]. It provides network configuration using routing protocols to dynamically find the root node and regular internode routes. RPL creates a targeted acyclic graph (Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph, DODAG) between nodes in 6LoWPAN. Thus, it prevents complexity in data traffic between 6LoWPAN devices and between root nodes. Nodes in DODAG have a specific position and order, similar to a descending tree from the root directory. The rows increase from the root node down and decrease from the bottom to the root node. Figure 7 shows the DODAG structure in RPL. Here, node A represents the root, and B-J nodes represent the other nodes forming the DODAG structure [6].
Experimental Setup for Harmonic Impedance Measurement in a Real HV Power Grid
Published in Electric Power Components and Systems, 2019
Dariusz Borkowski, Andrzej Wetula, Jakub Kowalski, Szymon Barczentewicz, Jerzy Nabielec, Marek Rogóż, Ireneusz Szczygieł
Data and timestamp files are created in the following directory structure year/month/day/hour/minute/under the storage root directory. Such a directory structure requires creation of a new working directory for every unique timestamp. On the other hand, it simplifies both automatic indexing and manual search.