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Encryption Algorithms for Cloud Computing and Quantum Blockchain
Published in Thiruselvan Subramanian, Archana Dhyani, Adarsh Kumar, Sukhpal Singh Gill, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Blockchain in Quantum Satellite, Drone and Network, 2023
Prabhsharan Kaur, Isha Sharma, Rahul Kumar Singh
To resolve the above privacy issue was the major issue of concern for which Shared Authority based Privacy-preserving Authority (SAPA) [16] with the following main objectives was proposed: To enhance the user’s privacy-related access request for authentication, an anonymous access request matching mechanism is used to achieve shared access authority.Distinguishing proof of another protection challenge in a distributed storage and checking its unobtrusive security issue when a client claims position to cloud server for information sharing. Here the tested solicitation itself can’t uncover the client’s protection regardless of whether it can acquire the entrance authority [18].The user can reliably access its own data field by applying policy attribute access control for cipher text. Proxy re-encryption is adopted to provide authorized data sharing for multiple users temporarily.
Security for Content Distribution Networks — Concepts, Systems and Research Issues
Published in Yang Xiao, Security in Distributed, Grid, Mobile, and Pervasive Computing, 2007
From the above description, we can see that each query takes one round of interaction and Bob performs one sequential scan on the ciphertext per query. Proxy Re-encryption In 1998, Blaze, Bleumer, and Strauss (BBS) [39] proposed an application called atomic proxy re-encryption, in which a semitrusted proxy converts a ciphertext for Alice into a ciphertext for Bob without seeing the underlying plaintext. This strategy is useful when Alice would like temporally to let Bob check the messages that are addressed to her, without revealing to Bob her secret keys that are needed to decrypt these messages.
Dynamic virtual cluster cloud security using hybrid steganographic image authentication algorithm
Published in Automatika, 2019
Homomorphic encryption [12] is a cryptographic tool used widely for improved security in cloud computing. This makes the cloud to operate on specific computation like encryption, ciphertext generation, and decryption. It provides privacy and security to the cloud outsourced data and storage. In [13], homomorphic encryption is used to encode the image with direct operation. It suffers mainly from resource constraints since the encryption is performed mostly on the client side with high computational overhead. Proxy re-encryption [14] secures the data sharing in cloud and delegates the capability of proxy re-encryption. The re-encrypt is taken place by the re-encryption key. Time-proxy re-encryption scheme [15] does not allow the client to encrypt the data and this avoids computational limitations during the use of resource-based constraint. Secure multiparty computation [16] enables different parties for computing on the same function and maintains the inputs, private. The other schemes related to secure multiparty computation in image processing is seen in [17,18]. However, it does not fit with thin clients, since parties involve in computational overhead due to symmetry property. Convectional cryptographic encryption models are proposed in [19] to encrypt the plain image before sending it over the cloud. It includes lossy image compression [20] with compressive sensing, template matching [21], image masking, and splitting. Steganography technique in [22] stores the images in the cloud. It could be concluded that there are several techniques available to encrypt the data storage in a cloud environment using proxy re- and homomorphic encryption.