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Secured Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-based Fog Computing Network
Published in Shashi Bhushan, Manoj Kumar, Pramod Kumar, Renjith V. Ravi, Anuj Kumar Singh, Holistic Approach to Quantum Cryptography in Cyber Security, 2023
Akshita Gupta, Sachin Kumar Gupta
Quantum cryptography is a very prominent area in which quantum mechanics principles are used to build a cryptosystem that is known to be the safest method. Quantum cryptography, also known as quantum encryption, uses the rules of quantum theory to symmetric encryption of messages so that no one except the receiver node can ever interpret them. Quantum cryptography is basically based on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle [20]. If in any case eavesdropper captures the keys during communication between UAV fog users and ground users, then quantum cryptography added the irregularities in the polarity of the photon and thus shows the violated communication. This helps to abort the ongoing communication and secure the infrastructure. The core of quantum cryptography arises from the fact that it incorporates the tiny individual particles, i.e., photons, which naturally occurs. These photon particles have great potential to reside concurrently in more than one state, and they alter their locations only when assessed [21]. Hua-Ying Liu and colleagues at Nanjing University in China developed the framework of quantum communications with UAVs. To establish a quantum communications channel between two ground stations nearby 1 km, a pair of UAVs were used. Multiple UAVs in pairs overcome the limitation of diffraction of photons [21,22].
Security algorithms for secure cloud environment
Published in Muhammad Imran Tariq, Valentina Emilia Balas, Shahzadi Tayyaba, Security and Privacy Trends in Cloud Computing and Big Data, 2022
Maryam Saleem, Maryam Rasheed, Muhammad Imran Tariq, Shahzadi Tayyaba, Muhammad Arfan Jaffar
Encryption and decryption methods are performed on two types of text, and both methods are illustrated in Figure 7.5. The first type of text is plain text and the second type is ciphertext. And these methods are opposite to each other. The encryption process is applied to actual text, which is called plain text. The decryption process is applied to encoding text, called ciphertext. Encryption is a process to change the readable text or message into an unreadable form. In this way, only an authorized person can gain access to the data and no authorized person would access it. Simple text refers to data that can be read, while ciphertext refers to data that cannot be read. The encryption process ensures data confidentiality and is a highly secure method. And decryption performs the opposite function of encryption. The decryption method changes an unread form of data into readable form. It, basically, changes the ciphertext into plain text.
E2E Network Security on an Intent-Driven Campus Network
Published in Ningguo Shen, Bin Yu, Mingxiang Huang, Hailin Xu, Campus Network Architectures and Technologies, 2021
Ningguo Shen, Bin Yu, Mingxiang Huang, Hailin Xu
Thanks to digital transformation, many enterprises have begun to utilize encryption technologies to safeguard their data and application services. For example, the HTTPS service is often used instead of the traditional HTTP service. Encryption has become an important method for ensuring our privacy, protecting sensitive data against possible snooping, and effectively preventing criminals from illegally obtaining credit card information, details relating to application usage habits, or passwords. For specific types of traffic, encryption has even become a mandatory legal requirement. According to statistics, more than 70% of modern traffic is encrypted.
A Comprehensive Literature of Genetics Cryptographic Algorithms for Data Security in Cloud Computing
Published in Cybernetics and Systems, 2023
Ozgu Can, Fursan Thabit, Asia Othman Aljahdali, Sharaf Al-Homdy, Hoda A. Alkhzaimi
Data security is represented by cryptography, which is an essential tool (algorithms) in security. The primary function of cryptography algorithms is to make secure communication possible in the face of adversaries or harmful outside parties. Encryption turns an input (i.e., plaintext) into an encrypted output using an algorithm and a key (i.e., cipher text). The type of cryptography includes symmetric key encryption methods with two forms (a) Stream cipher and (b) Block cipher. A block cipher uses a single data block. The plain text or message is broken down into blocks; each is operated separately using a key and a cryptographic mechanism.The stream cipher enables algorithms to perform encryption and decryption of shared data using a symmetric key mechanism.Requirement of Security: The essential requirement of confidentiality, availability, and integrity is defined as follows:
Hybrid lightweight cryptography with attribute-based encryption standard for secure and scalable IoT system
Published in Connection Science, 2022
Mounika Jammula, Venkata Mani Vakamulla, Sai Krishna Kondoju
Alassaf and Gutub (2019) analyzes the effectiveness of three reliable candidate encryption algorithms, notably AES, SPECK, and SIMON. With the availability of internet of things (IoT) support, short-term monitoring and emergency notification of healthcare signals are becoming more inexpensive. Data confidentiality is essential, necessitating the use of encryption. The robust encryption method is in conflict with the limits on memory, calculation speed, power consumption, and compact device sizes. Multimedia data sharing via unsecured networks will become more necessary as the Internet of Things (IoT) develops. The limited resources of an IoT platform prevent the use of traditional methods for data encryption (Alassaf et al., 2019). The suggested method was compared against AES and the original SIMON block-encrypting techniques. On an encryption algorithm, the vertices of vital importance to ensure are two-dimensional. Let K be a field with feature p that is faultless (i.e. K p = K), a definite mathematical enclosure of K, and let n be a number that is positive definite to p. In arithmetic, a Tate pairing is anyone of numerous highly associated encoded information predicated on Tate duality connections that include mathematical techniques or abelian morphologies and are often across localised or limited areas. Imaginative techniques for activities like one-round three-party key exchange, identity-based cryptography, as well as aggregated authentication have been created using bilinear pairings. The Tate pairing may be used to create appropriate bilinear pairings for a selection of elliptic curves.
Exploring the RFID mutual authentication domain
Published in International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2021
Syed Muhammad Mohsin, Imran Ali Khan, Syed Muhammad Abrar Akber, Shahaboddin Shamshirband, Anthony T. Chronopoulos
Encryption is the process of encoding the plain text into a cipher text in a way that only authorized parties can read. Two basic types of encryption algorithms are symmetric key encryption algorithms and public key encryption algorithms. In symmetric key encryption, the sender and receiver both use the same key for encryption and decryption respectively, while in public key encryption two different keys (i.e. public and private) are used. The public key is available to all while the private key is kept secret by the owner of the key. Usually, cryptographic algorithms require a lot of resources to perform their work [67]. In an RFID system, the resources are very limited and special solutions are required to work with these resources constrained devices. Low-cost cryptographic algorithms should be used as a solution for secure mutual authentication and to avoid common attacks on RFID systems. Encryption algorithms such as IDEA, ECC and AES, etc. are suggested by the cryptographic research community for data privacy and security purposes [11,67,70,71]. However, there is some trade-off between security level and efficiency of cryptographic algorithms [72].