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Published in Philip A. Laplante, Comprehensive Dictionary of Electrical Engineering, 2018
argument (1) an address or value that is passed to a procedure or function call, as a way of communicating cleanly across procedure/function boundaries. (2) a piece of data given to a hardware operator block. arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) a combinational logic circuit that can perform basic arithmetic and logical operations on n-bit binary operands. arithmetic coding a method (due to Elias, Pasco, Rissanen and others) for lossless data compression. This incremental coding algorithm works efficiently for long block lengths and achieves an average length within one bit of the entropy for the block. The name comes from the fact that the method utilizes the structures of binary expansions of the real numbers in the unit interval. arithmetic instruction a machine instruction that performs computation, such as addition or multiplication. arithmetic operation any of the following operations and combination thereof: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
® for Chemical Engineering
Published in Mariano Martín Martín, Introduction to Software for Chemical Engineers, 2019
EES is an equation-solver but its capabilities can be expanded by programming your own routines, which can be called from the Equation window. Within EES, functions, procedures, subprograms and modules are differentiated. A function is a code which performs a task from input arguments and returns only one output argument while a procedure is similar to a function but returns two or more output arguments. The codes of functions and procedures are created with assignments, similar to any other programming language, rather than equality equations, like those used in the main EES program. Control flow statements, like well-known if-then-else, while loops, GoTo, etc can be used within functions and procedures. On the other hand, subprograms and modules, which can be also called from the Equation window, serve the same purpose than functions and procedures but are written in terms of equations. Therefore, control statements are not allowed within subprograms and modules. The difference between subprograms and modules is subtle, in terms of execution, and the reader is referred elsewhere for details [1]. Functions and procedures can be programmed in the Equation window (internal function or procedure) or in any compiled language (external function or procedure), such as C++, Pascal or Fortran, and then added to EES as library files. For detailed material on how to program in EES, the reader is referred to the book Mastering EES [1]. For the basics on programming functions in EES, the reader is referred to a video by F-Chart software [18].
Computer Programming
Published in Quamrul H. Mazumder, Introduction to Engineering, 2018
All of the examples thus far have assumed that all program instructions reside in one main section of the program. Functions and procedures allow the programmer to physically separate the code into smaller manageable sections. The difference between functions and procedures is that a function is written to return a single value while procedures are not. Code that appears in these functions and procedures is often the code that might be repeated in several places in the computer program. While the scope of this chapter does not cover proper use of functions and procedures, it is important to remember that these are a natural extension of the basic skills covered here and are used frequently in good programming practice.
Classification model with collinear grouping of features
Published in Journal of Information and Telecommunication, 2023
Leon Bobrowski, Paweł Zabielski
The classification procedure described in the article has been implemented in the C++ programming language environment. Computational experiments were carried out on the learning sets Gk+ and Gk– (2) consisting of feature vectors xj = [xj,1, … ,xj,n]T (1) with dimension n = 2000. The positive learning set Gk+ consisted of mk+ feature vectors xj of cancer patients Pj selected randomly from m+ = 40 vectors in the set C (1). Similarly, the negative learning set Gk– consisted of mk– feature vectors xj selected randomly from m- = 22 vectors representing non-cancer patients Pj in the set C (1).
Why do Controllers Choose the Conflict Resolution Maneuvers that They Do?
Published in The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 2022
Fitri Trapsilawati, Christopher D. Wickens, Muhammad Kusumawan Herliansyah, Mifta Priani Fatika Sari, Gharsina Tissamodie
A computer program using the C# programming language was created to show the ready and question prompts following the SPAM procedure. The second monitor of the ATCO workstation displayed the prompts that should be responded to by the participants to measure the workload of the ATCOs. An example of a readiness probe query is shown in Figure 2. The participants interacted with the pseudo-pilot through voice commands mimicking the real ATC operations. The pseudo-pilot was a human that responded to the ATCOs’ instructions through predetermined macros (i.e., keystroke commands) that automatically yielded aircraft movement and pilot voice responses following the instructions. The pseudo-pilot station was equipped with the ATC simulator display and control (i.e., keyboard and mouse) to respond to the ATC instructions.
Table tennis match analysis: a review
Published in Journal of Sports Sciences, 2018
Michael Fuchs, Ruizhi Liu, Ivan Malagoli Lanzoni, Goran Munivrana, Gunter Straub, Sho Tamaki, Kazuto Yoshida, Hui Zhang, Martin Lames
During the 2012 Olympic Games, 136 matches played at the stadium of the table tennis event were analysed for use by the Japanese national table tennis team (Tamaki, Saito, Yoshida, Yamada, & Ozaki, 2012; Yoshida, 2013). In an important milestone, Japan’s national team had employed scientific methods in a practical scenario for the first time. For the analysis, a computer program was developed to optimise the analysis procedure. This program was designed to conduct shot number based analysis (described in “Performance indices: three-Phase-Method/Shot number based analysis”) and an in-depth analysis of the played shots (hereinafter referred to as `detailed analysis’). A key feature of the program was optimising data collection, consisting of the following functions: server and receiver prediction from the game and point scores, scored player determination from the server, shot number of the scored shot, automatic update of the game scores and point scores from the scored player, and keyboard short-cuts for every operation.