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Intelligent Agents in Telecommunication Networks
Published in Witold Pedrycz, Athanasios Vasilakos, Computational Intelligence in Telecommunications Networks, 2018
Costas Tsatsoulis, Leen-Kiat Soh
One of the most important research areas in telecommunication networks is network management. Network management determines the allocation of network resources (such as data storage, processing power, and memory), fault diagnosis and repair, system administration, routing (switching, bridging, etc.), communications among network components, etc. One of the goals is to have balanced loading and reliable loading on the network such that connections in the network can be established quickly without noise, delay, or numerous trials. In addition, network management also aims at housekeeping the networks so that they work efficiently and effectively, adapt to changes, and respond to problems such as traffic patterns. Thus, in this section and also in this chapter, we will emphasize network management for telecommunication networks.
Published in Jerry D. Gibson, The Communications Handbook, 2018
Figure 41.2 shows the total network engineering process and its three phases: awareness, design, and management. Network awareness quantifies current traffic, equipment inventories, forecasted growth, and operational objectives. Network design uses design tools, performs a cost/performance breakeven analysis, and develops line configurations. Network management encompasses management of configuration, faults, performance, accounting, and security. Equipment and network software is acquired, verified, installed, maintained, and administered.
IoT and the Need for Data Rationalization
Published in Diego Galar Pascual, Pasquale Daponte, Uday Kumar, Handbook of Industry 4.0 and SMART Systems, 2019
Diego Galar Pascual, Pasquale Daponte, Uday Kumar
IoT will require managing networks that contain billions of heterogeneous things, with a wide variety of software, middleware, and hardware devices. Network management technologies will have to address several important issues including, security, performance, and reliability.
Virtualised Environment for Learning SDN-based Networking
Published in IETE Journal of Education, 2020
Oscar Polanco, Fabio G. Guerrero
The functionality of the control plane in the layers two and three of the OSI (Open System Interconnection) model determines the treatment given to packets on their path from their origin to destination. This task is performed, for instance, by the STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) in layer 2 and by routing protocols such as OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) and BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) in layer 3, which works on the principle of distributed control. In a majority of networking equipment, high level management policies are traditionally programmed through low-level commands, and are specific to each manufacturer. While the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) protocol is helpful in monitoring and configuring equipment using this traditional method, it is neither possible nor easy to flexibly handle high-level routing policies.
Motivations for the IT Professional Turnaway Intention: A Delphi Approach
Published in Information Systems Management, 2019
Luiz Antonio Joia, Mariela Fontenelle Sily de Assis
The type 1 antecedents are linked to the IT career and the way organizations manage their IT personnel. Thus, they should be addressed by public policies and human resource strategies of organizations. That way, we recommend that governments foster the training and intake of professionals into the IT arena and develop policies to ensure that they will remain in this area to reduce the turnaway phenomenon. In particular, we recommend that countries develop regulatory policies that make it possible for IT professionals, as well as society in general, to perceive IT as a profession rather than a mere occupation. For example, governments could give IT professionals a well-defined professional and social status in addition to their specific duties and rights. Regarding the former, some of the IT professional’s duties may be network management, software development or database administration. Besides, IT specialists may also provide technical support to a business or an organization’s employees and train non-technical workers on the business’ information systems (Csorny, 2013). Concerning the latter, the IT professionals rights are related to career growth, namely “progression through a sequence of jobs, involving continually more advanced or diverse activities and resulting in wider or improved skills, greater responsibility and prestige, and higher income” (Bloomsbury Business and Management Dictionary, 2007, p. 1353).
Software-Defined Networking Techniques to Improve Mobile Network Connectivity: Technical Review
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2018
OpenFlow [8], the most commonly deployed SDN technology enables communication between controllers and switches remotely. For example, switches request for a new forwarding rule from controller upon receiving new network packets and controller would determine the path of the packets by installing the forwarding rule on the switch. This shows that different topologies of SDN can be designed or implemented to enhance the network performance by utilizing the flexibility of installing forwarding rules in switches under the corresponding controller. Besides, this can help in solving the common network issues such as service sustainability with the dynamic forwarding rule of SDN technology. In comparison with OpenFlow, multiple protocols are available that can perform the same tasks that are offered by OpenFlow. For example, Border Gateway Protocol that makes routing decisions based on path, rules set or policies that are set up by network administrator. However, prior knowledge on network topology is required in order to configure the rules or policies compared to OpenFlow network where controller can be developed to construct path dynamically according to the topology perceived. In addition, OpenFlow controller is network aware; hence, it is capable of finding a new path upon the detection of link failure. Another SDN protocol is NetConf, a network management protocol that provides network administrator with a secure way to configure network devices. NetConf was adapted as transport protocol by OpenFlow to configure OpenFlow-enabled devices.