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Published in Graeme Dandy, Trevor Daniell, Bernadette Foley, Robert Warner, Planning & Design of Engineering Systems, 2018
Graeme Dandy, Trevor Daniell, Bernadette Foley, Robert Warner
The purpose of a memorandum is to give information to one or more people at once within an organisation. It is, at the same time, a useful and formal way of having your views or advice on a particular topic entered onto the official record. Although emails have largely replaced the written memorandum in the modern engineering office, they may still be used for more formal or more important transmissions, and for this reason it is important to be able to write and structure one in an appropriate format.
Published in Graeme Dandy, David Walker, Trevor Daniell, Robert Warner, Planning and Design of Engineering Systems, 2018
Graeme Dandy, David Walker, Trevor Daniell, Robert Warner
The purpose of a memorandum is to give information to one or more people at once within an organisation. It is, at the same time, a useful and formal way of having your views or advice on a particular topic entered onto the official record. Although emails have largely replaced the written memorandum in the modern engineering office, are still used for more formal or more important transmissions, and for this reason it is important to be able to write and structure one in an appropriate format.
Distributed Ledger and Decentralised Technology Adoption for Smart Digital Transition in Collaborative Enterprise
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2023
Therefore, governance of DLTs deals with how diverse actors come together to produce, change or maintain the inputs that make up the distributed ledger network (Casino, Dasaklis, and Patsakis 2019). Also, governance also clearly defines how information can be managed or changed within the nodes (Ølnes, Ubacht, and Janssen 2017). The software code for DLT is open source, and any node user is permitted at any time to modify the code used for themselves without faced with the shortcoming of a centralised system (Howell, Potgieter, and Sadowski 2019). All the systems deployed in distributed ledger operate within an architype of rules, either derived implicitly from the cultures and norms of the parties or explicitly specified in formal agreements (such as contracts and constitutions) (Howell, Potgieter, and Sadowski 2019). Regarding accountability DLT may face an immense centralisation issue due to the concentration of mining autonomy within a small group of early members. However, the concept of Proof of Stake (PoS) and Proof of Work (PoW) are employed which helps to address the problem where partners are given greater elective power as compared to those who have lower stake in the network (Howell, Potgieter, and Sadowski 2019). Generally, the governance rules of DLTs comprise of memorandum under in which a systemic interaction is employed to co-ordinate users and restructure decision-making rights for detailed subsets of system users (Howell, Potgieter, and Sadowski 2019).