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Concluding Discussion
Published in Yair Neuman, How to Find a Needle in a Haystack, 2023
There are some contexts where we encounter phenomena with low prevalence and with only a few simple distinguishable features. When we try to produce a binary diagnosis of a human object and to decide whether it belongs to the minority class in which we are interested, this process is usually accompanied by an impossible price of false alarms, regardless of our test's diagnostic performance (i.e. accuracy). This is the needle challenge, which is the focus of the current book, and the challenge in accompanied by ethical issues as well. For example, the needle may be a whistleblower or a rebel against a tyrannical regime. Seeking a needle in a haystack therefore presents the same challenge to those who are seeking good as it does to those working on behalf of evil regimes, from North Korea to Iran. However, the challenge is substantially more difficult in open societies, where there is sometimes confusion over whether there is a line separating positive from negative needles. Snowden's crusade for privacy (Snowden, 2019) and the idea of encryption may demand a limit on the power of governments to use mass surveillance, but with a price totally ignored by those preaching for encryption-based privacy. Let me explain this point.
Security Outlook of IoT-Cloud Integration with 5G Networks
Published in Amit Kumar Tyagi, Niladhuri Sreenath, Handbook of Research of Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, 2022
However, 5G security is a major issue. Some countries have recently accused Chinese vendors of using their devices in order to spy on foreign users using 5G technology. Snoopers may also use 5G to gather metadata in case of mass surveillance. 5G may result in an increased count of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks as well. System may become vulnerable to such dangerous attacks as there shall be immense data traveling in the open and stored cloud servers. Hackers are more prone to disrupt, snatch or just play around with our devices. This may cause significant damage. Recently, 5G permeability has also led to hijacking of emergency websites and public paying channels in the United States.
Movies and media
Published in Abbas Moallem, Human-Computer Interaction and Cybersecurity Handbook, 2018
This six-part documentary series is directed by Danny Schechter, who also directed America Before the Bubble Bursts (2006), WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception (2004). and Beyond “JFK”: The Question of Conspiracy (1992). In this series, he dissects current US surveillance strategies and reviews how, in the digital world with mass surveillance tools and technologies, a citizen’s privacy is fundamentally compromised. He concludes that human society must adjust to the reality that whatever one does or says is watched can be recorded at all times.
For the greater good? Data and disasters in a post-COVID world
Published in Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 2021
Helen O’Connor, W. John Hopkins, David Johnston
Despite the advantages that such technology can provide in a pandemic response, their use has led some authors to advocate caution given their invasive nature (Hart et al. 2020; Pagliari 2020; Raskar et al. 2020). Such mass surveillance may expose private personal details, infringe personal privacy and potentially limit individual freedoms. However, as already explored, privacy is not a universal concept and it is individual societies that will determine its limits and, by extension, the reasonable use of digital public health technologies (Gasser et al. 2020). In the remainder of this article, we examine competing societal approaches to these issues with reference to two very different responses to COVID-19. On the one hand, Taiwan provides the example of a very effective response, which made extensive use of personal data to target COVID-19 prevention measures. In contrast, New Zealand, while equally effective in eliminating COVID-19, utilised a traditional approach which, although less invasive, affected larger sections of the community and relied upon a secure international border. In the light of these experiences, the article concludes by considering the future of privacy in public health emergencies and the wider context of disaster response.