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Ethereum, Hyperledger and CordaA Side-by-Side Comparison of Capabilities and Constraints for Developing Various Business Case Uses
Published in Shaun Aghili, The Auditor's Guide to Blockchain Technology, 2023
Corda utilizes a programming language called Kotlin to write its smart contracts. Kotlin is a general-purpose, statically typed programming language that has cross-platform implementation with type inference. Kotlin is intended to be fully Java-compatible, and the standard Kotlin library version of the Java Class Library is based on JVM. At the same time, type inference allows for more concise syntax. It was designed primarily for JVM, yet JavaScript or native code can be compiled as well. Because of JVM’s (JAVA Virtual Machine) wealth of existing libraries and extensive expertise base, and the re-use of industry standards it is possible for financial institutions to re-use their existing code inside contracts. Standardizing bytecodes enables the user to innovate or re-use well-known languages in contract language design depending on their preferences [6, 10].
Enhancing Monte Carlo Workflows for Nuclear Reactor Analysis with Metamodel-Driven Modeling
Published in Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2023
Peter J. Kowal, Camden E. Blake, Kurt A. Dominesey, Robert A. Lefebvre, Forrest B. Brown, Wei Ji
That said, although this paper focuses on the development of the Python wrapper around the Java API, the Java API is a useful tool in its own right. The Java API is derived from the MCNP metamodel, which means that it is the direct programmatic implementation of the metamodel. This carries the key implication that the Java API—which can also be used from other Java Virtual Machine (JVM) languages such as Kotlin, Groovy, or Scala—has complete coverage of the entire structure of the metamodel and therefore is equipped with all of the classes and methods to create or access any metamodel feature. Since the metamodel itself is intrinsically linked to the MCNP grammar, the Java API is inherently linked as well and will always reflect the latest changes and improvements to the grammar. Furthermore, the metamodel and Java API are both generated within the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), which offers several advantages over “plain old Java objects” (POJOs) including XMI persistence; a reflective API; comprehensive validation utilities; the concept of set, unset, and default values; form-based and/or graphical editors; proxies for lazily loading large resources; a run-time framework supporting the Model View Controller paradigm; and a data model with clearly defined interfaces and ownership semantics, among other useful features.19
Dynamic modelling of parafoil system based on aerodynamic coefficients identification
Published in Automatika, 2023
Ligan Zhao, Jin Tao, Hao Sun, Qinglin Sun
Simulation is an efficient and essential way to study the characteristics of the plant before practical experienment. Ward and Costello [49] presented the development of a control law to implement glide slope control on an autonomous airdrop system, and demonstrated an improvement in landing accuracy by simulation and flight test. Tao et al. [50] designed the guidance law based on the hybrid approach that combines the cross-track error and the line of sight, which was simulated in a semi-physical simulation platform. Chen et al. [51] developed the guidance by modern multi-objective evolutionary algorithms without assuming any predefined trajectories, and adopted the software developed with Kotlin, Java and JavaFX to implement solution. In addition, Zhang et al. [10] carried out the simulation of motion during the flight, and Farì and Grande [52] implemented the dynamic models and G&C algorithms in the MATLAB/Simulink and Dymola environments. In this paper, a MATLAB code has been utilized to simulate the 6-DOF model, and the flowchart of the algorithm is presented in Figure 7.
Keydrop: Dynamic Keyboard Layout for Faster Typing and Fewer Typos
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2023
Robert Susik, Szymon Grabowski
We implemented the Keydrop keyboard in JavaScript using Quasar (Vue.js) framework as a Progressive Web Application (PWA). PWA allows installing and using the application without granting any special permissions to it (as in the case of a mobile app written in Java/Kotlin installed via the Google Play store). This is an advantage from our perspective as it removes the barrier of giving permissions to our application, and thus makes it available to a larger audience. The Keydrop source codes are provided at github.com/rsusik/keydrop.