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Published in Joshua C. Gellers, Rights for Robots, 2020
The word robot first entered the popular lexicon in Karel Čapek’s 1921 play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) (Čapek, 2004). Čapek based the term on the Czech word robota, which means “obligatory work” (Hornyak, 2006, p. 33). Interestingly, Rossum’s robots were not machines at all, but rather synthetic humans (Moran, 2007). Today, however, robots have become almost universally associated with nonhuman machines. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), for example, defines a “robot” as an “actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes … with a degree of autonomy …, moving within its environment, to perform intended tasks” that is further classified as either industrial or service “according to its intended application” (International Organization for Standardization, 2012).
Overview of Modern Artificial Intelligence
Published in Mark Chang, Artificial Intelligence for Drug Development, Precision Medicine, and Healthcare, 2020
In robotics, Nikola Tesla (1898) makes a demonstration of the world’s first radio-controlled (“a borrowed mind” as Tesla described) vessel, an embryonic form of robots. Czech writer Karel Čapek (1921) introduces the word robot, a Czech word meaning forced work, in his play Rossum’s Universal Robots. Four years later, a radio-controlled driverless car was released, travelling the streets of New York City. In 1929, Makoto Nishimura designs the first robot built in Japan, which can change its facial expression and move its head and hands using an air pressure mechanism. The first industrial robot, Unimate, starts working on an assembly line in a General Motors plant in New Jersey in 1961. In 1986, Bundeswehr University built the first driverless car, which drives up to 55 mph on empty streets. In 2000 Honda’s ASIMO robot, an artificially intelligent humanoid robot, is able to walk as fast as a human, delivering trays to customers in a restaurant setting. In 2009 Google starts developing, in secret, a driverless car. In 2014 it became the first to pass, in Nevada, a U.S. state self-driving test.
Robots in indoor and outdoor environments
Published in Anil Sawhney, Mike Riley, Javier Irizarry, Construction 4.0, 2020
Bharadwaj R. K. Mantha, Borja Garcia de Soto, Carol C. Menassa, Vineet R. Kamat
As per the brief definition of the robot discussed previously, it can be understood that the history of robotics is directly or indirectly intertwined with the history of science and technology such as mechanical, electrical, electronic, and computing. Though the idea of robot can be linked back to medieval times, the word was coined only in 1921 by Karel Capek (RobotShop, 2008). After that, the word “robotics” was coined that relates to the technology of robots (RobotShop, 2008). In just a few years, industrial robots gained momentum and significantly stayed at the forefront of robotic technology and innovation. However, due to several reasons such as reluctance to adopt new technologies, the research, and development of construction robotics boomed only in the 1980s in Japan (Kangari and Yoshida, 1989). Experts suggest that with the advancements in computing capabilities and cheaper sensor technologies, research and development activities are currently booming. Numerous prototypes are being developed, and a phenomenal amount of interest and funding is being made due to the progressive acceptance in the construction industry.
Hiding task-oriented programming complexity: an industrial case study
Published in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2023
Enrico Villagrossi, Michele Delledonne, Marco Faroni, Manuel Beschi, Nicola Pedrocchi
The evolution of robot programming techniques brought robot-oriented programming languages (Yang et al. 2015). They are high-level programming languages, primarily based on BASIC and PASCAL, such as the ABB Rapid, the Fanuc Karel and the Kuka KRL. Such programming languages are integrated with advanced robotic functions that allow the development of complex robotic applications but retain the teaching-by-showing programming mode. However, the languages continued to develop, gradually incorporating features from the rest of the programming world. As a drawback, each robot manufacturer developed its proprietary robot-oriented programming language incompatible with the others. Reaching an essential knowledge of proprietary languages requires a reduced amount of time. However, a deep knowledge of a robotic platform requires great experience and training, which is why robotic programmers tend to become specialised in a few specific robot brands. This approach may cause resistance by robot programmers and robotic system integrators to acquire new programming skills, learn different programming paradigms, and use different robot brands.
Unveiling students’ explorations of tessellations with Scratch through mathematical aesthetics
Published in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2022
Kenan Gökdağ, Meriç Özgeldi, İlker Yakın
Although programming has not occurred adequately in the scope of mathematics literature (Foerster, 2016), mathematics is one of the subjects using Scratch coding to improve mathematical thinking, positive attitudes towards mathematics, and determined learning outcomes for topics (Dohn, 2020). Much of the current literature on Scratch’s role of the improvement in the development of mathematical thinking pays particular attention to the utilization of critical, meta-cognitive, and reflexive skills closely connected to mathematics (Rodriguez-Martinez et al., 2020). Indeed, Scratch as a programming tool might provide students to look for new representations of mathematical ideas and relationships (Hughes et al., 2017). Furthermore, as a functional tool in mathematics (Daher et al., 2020), Scratch provides students with an environment of designing what they think with ready-made code blocks that they sequence to develop a programme (Harvey & Mönig, 2010). Besides Scratch, the other programming environments and tools (e.g. Alice, Karel the Robot, code.org) have an essential role in education since students can develop their mathematical thinking skills with these and similar programmes (Taylor et al., 2010). And build applications and games more simply with the basic and complex programming structures (Utting et al., 2010). With such programmes, students see complex mathematical concepts as engaging activities (Resnick, 2013). As Daher et al. (2020) stated, using Scratch helps students learn about symmetry. In particular, Sinclair (2004) noted that computer-based technology could offer the opportunity to appreciate the importance of the aesthetic dimension in mathematical inquiry.