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High-Performance Switch/Routers
Published in James Aweya, Designing Switch/Routers, 2023
DNS (which is one of the protocols that comprise the TCP/IP suite (see Chapter 3 of Volume 1)) together with a number of DNS resolvers and servers provide a worldwide distributed directory service (or name resolution service) for the Internet – maps domain names to IP addresses for computers and users. DNS defines in a large number of IETF RFCs, the DNS protocol (part of the Internet Protocol Suite), detailed specification of the domain name database service, data structures, and communication exchanges used in managing and mapping domain names to Internet addresses.
ChatGPT is Not What You Think It Is
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2023
In modern times, few innovations have had an influence on human life as dramatic and powerful as that of the internet. An internet protocol suite connects the whole network of networks and that is what is called the “internet” and the “world wide web” is a subset of the internet. Among many other things, what comes to our mind when we talk of the internet is “social media” and the ability it provides to communicate with each other in multiple ways. Our usage of social media has now become an addiction perhaps clouding our ability to make free choices. The industrial revolution was focused on the exploitation of natural resources and building big industrial empires. However, the leading corporates today focus on exploiting data from humans and human activities and drawing our attention to the touch screen of a single device, e.g., a mobile phone, to remain in business. Internet and data are transforming our interpersonal relationships, economies, and even social and political movements.
An integrated DEMATEL-MMDE-ISM based approach for analysing the barriers of IoT implementation in the manufacturing industry
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2019
In IoT, interoperability is key as large sums of data are exchanged within the smart network. Existing industrial set up requires compatibility of software over the composed machinery (Talavera et al. 2017). Irrespective of the hardware and security constraints, a common platform for data exchange is a pre-requisite. There is an inherent existence of heterogeneity amongst the different devices incorporated into the IoT ecosystem (Alaba et al. 2017). During the development process, such factors should be properly assessed. Using proprietary protocols can make the device less attractive in the market space as customers will face device flexibility issues. The use of existing standards (such as the Internet Protocol suite) provides a lower technical risk. There are also additional benefits of using existing standards as they can be worked upon and maintained by larger population and can lead to cheap development costs (Tschofenig et al. 2015). Compatibility can be improved as per user recognition by designing a modular software (Pang et al. 2015).
Application of the Internet of Things in the textile industry
Published in Textile Progress, 2019
Hitesh Manglani, George L. Hodge, William Oxenham
Sensing elements are usually ‘single-board computers’ (SBCs) integrated with sensors and built-in supporting hardware for TCP/IP (internet protocol suite combining the transmission control protocol-TCP, with the internet protocol-ICP), for example, Arduino, Raspberry PI, ARM, and Intel. SBCs are being superseded by ‘systems on chip’ (SoC). Standard Plug and Play (PnP) devices have become highly popular in various industries [25] not least because they are transferable on manufacturing assembly lines, updating their firmware with change in their functional role over time.