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Inference and Access Control for Big Data
Published in Bhavani Thuraisngham, Murat Kantarcioglu, Latifur Khan, Secure Data Science, 2022
Bhavani Thuraisngham, Murat Kantarcioglu, Latifur Khan
Graph rewriting came out of logic and database theory where graphs are treated as database instances, and rewriting operations as a mechanism for defining queries and views. Popular graph rewriting approaches include double-pushout approach, single-pushout approach and algebraic approach [EHRI1991]. The approach we describe is similar to the one for single-pushout approach. A graph rewriting system consists of a set of rewrite rules of the form p:L→R, with L being a graph pattern (or left hand side) and R being the replacement graph (or right hand side of the rule). A graph rewrite rule is applied to the original graph by searching for an occurrence of the pattern graph and replacing the found occurrence by the existence of the replacement graph.
DEVS as a Semantic Domain for Programmed Graph Transformation
Published in Gabriel A. Wainer, Pieter J. Mosterman, Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation, 2018
Eugene Syriani, Hans Vangheluwe
Though elegant, the declarative, rule-based specifications of model transformations do not scale well. When the number of rules grows, it becomes difficult for a modeler to clearly understand what the behavior of the transformation will be. Also, the complexity of matching grows with the number of rules that need to be tried. Programmed (or controlled) graph rewriting mitigates these problems. It combines rewriting rules with a control structure. In this chapter we show how the Discrete EVent system Specification (DEVS) can be used as a semantic domain for the control structures in a model/graph transformation system.
Graph representations and methods for querying, examination, and analysis of IFC data
Published in Jan Karlshøj, Raimar Scherer, eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 2018
Several other researchers have recently studied the application of graph-based methods to BIM data in general, e.g. Isaac et al. (2013) propose applications of graph theory for construction management. Vilgertshofer & Borrmann (2017) apply graph rewriting to generate parametric infrastructure models. Others targets IFC data in particular: Khalili & Chua (2015) trys to use graph methods for topological IFC queries. Tauscher et al. (2016) suggest to employ Dijstra’s shortest path algorithm to simplify queries. Ismail et al. (2017) dump IFC data into neo4J for further processing.
Extending data-driven model of software with software change request service
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2018
Zeljko Stojanov, Dalibor Dobrilovic, Jelena Stojanov
Yau et al. (1988) developed an integrated software life-cycle model based on graph rewriting systems. In this approach, each node represents a software component containing its control flow, data flow, and data structures. The model facilitates locating and tracing the impact of a modification, and provides the basis for developing automated tools for making changes in existing software systems. The model describes a software system at the several levels of abstraction with the purpose to facilitate easier understanding of the software system and proposed change. The basic assumption of this approach is that user identifies the initial location of a change by using a change request, and the model assists maintainers in identifying all items of the software system that need to be changed based on a received request.