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LCPC Code for Wireless Body Area Networks
Published in Fadi Al-Turjman, Internet of Nano-Things and Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN), 2019
Salah A. Alabady, Fadi Al-Turjman
Among the earliest error detection and correction codes available are the Hamming codes, which are able to detect up to double-bit errors but just able to correct a single-bit error. This constraint to correct double-bit errors can be attributed to a limited number of syndromes available. The codes consist of three rows and seven columns, which account for eight values of syndrome [5, 6]. In case of a single-bit error, there are seven possibilities of error patterns when the code word length equals seven bits, in which case each error pattern is assigned to one syndrome vector. On the other hand, double-bit errors throw 21 possibilities of error pattern for the same code word length equal to seven bits. The Hamming code does not have the requisite number of syndrome (i.e., 21), which results in each three error patterns being assigned by one syndrome vector. This makes the correction operation very difficult, and it fails to decide the correct error pattern from the three possible error patterns. In addition, Hamming codes cannot detect more than two-bit errors (e.g. burst error) [5, 7, 8].
Computer Engineering
Published in Arun G. Phadke, Handbook of Electrical Engineering Calculations, 2018
Peter Athanas, Yosef Tirat-Gefen
Parity checking ‘circuitry can determine whether an error occurred during transmission; however, with a single parity bit, there is insufficient information to determine which bits are in error. Hamming coding is a common scheme for single-error detection and correction. In a Hamming coder, the n unencoded data bits are augmented with p parity bits placed in specific locations prior to transmission. Each of the parity bits is computed to provide even parity or odd parity on an overlapping subset of the encoded word. The receiver recomputes the parity for each of the subfields within the encoded word using a parity checking circuit. From the syndrome produced at the receiver by the parity checker, the exact position of the single error can be determined. With this information, the error can be corrected.
Industrial control system security
Published in Raymond F. Gardner, Introduction to Plant Automation and Controls, 2020
Provide checksumming, such as parity checks, to verify that data transmission or data storage is error free, especially after software is installed. Checksumming and parity checks are techniques used for verifying data integrity during communications, which are used to re-initiate retransmission of data that contained errors. In some schemes, checksumming can be used for both data-transmission error-detection and correction. Checksum variations can also indicate that a hacker has altered a file, when retransmission cannot correct it.
A Review on SEU Mitigation Techniques for FPGA Configuration Memory
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2018
T. S. Nidhin, Anindya Bhattacharyya, R. P. Behera, T. Jayanthi
A high-level error detection and correction method, the matrix code has been introduced, which is a combination of Hamming code and parity code, so that multiple errors can be detected and corrected. Compared to Hamming codes, matrix codes are capable of multiple bit error detection and correction and compared to Reed–Muller codes, it gives better area overhead and power consumption [40]. The decimal matrix code (DMC) is proposed to provide better memory reliability by enhancing the error detection capability of the matrix code [41]. An encoder reuse technique (ERT) is proposed to minimise the area overhead of extra circuits without disturbing the whole encoding and decoding processes because ERT uses DMC encoder itself to be part of the decoder. The drawback of the DMC is that more redundant bits are required to maintain the higher reliability of memory. The Golay code and extended Golay code (24, 12, 8) shows better error detection and correction capability than many of the ECC used practically for SEU mitigation. It can detect any number of errors within 4 and can correct any number of errors up to 3 [42]. Table 1 gives a general comparison about the capability and drawbacks of the error detection and correction codes available.