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Smart Grid Technologies
Published in Stuart Borlase, Smart Grids, 2017
Enterprise Information Integration (EII) and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) are not new concepts [1]. They are processes and tools applied in other industries to integrate and share data among multiple sources and multiple applications. The challenge with the utility industry and other real-time mission-critical systems is the integration of data that are frequently updated and required within short time periods (seconds) with data that are not required to be updated as frequently (days).
Key technologies on synthetical transaction information integrated system of coal enterprise
Published in Wang Yuehan, Ge Shirong, Guo Guangli, Mining Science and Technology, 2004
Yaocai Wang, Changkai Xu, Junwei Wang, Fanqing Meng, Wenhai Lu
For the characteristic of coal enterprise information integration, we offered the network structure of integration between field-bus control network and management network, which is shown in Figure 1. In Figure 1, the system is made up of three layers including field control layer, process monitor and control layer, and production management layer. However, only field control network section and Intranet network section can be seen.
Digitalisation of a company decision-making system: a concept for data-driven and fact-based product portfolio management
Published in Journal of Decision Systems, 2022
Hannu Hannila, Seppo Kuula, Janne Harkonen, Harri Haapasalo
In the past, different parts of companies were mainly responsible for storing data and managing it locally (Reinsel et al., 2018). The transition from traditional business IT infrastructure (e.g. integrated systems, data warehouses) to cloud-based models is not smooth, but it is necessary if companies hope to provide consolidated real-time data regardless of the source system, data format, or enabling data. Data virtualisation (DV) is often regarded as a synonym or equated with other concepts, such as enterprise information integration (EII), data federation (Katasonov & Lattunen, 2014; Lans, 2012; Xu et al., 2015), encapsulation, and information hiding (Lans, 2012). Different definitions for all these concepts exist (Lans, 2012). In this study, comprehensive coverage of these concepts is not provided, but DV is discussed on a general level as a part of the concept proposed in this study. Lans (2012, p. XV) defines DV as: Making data available in an integrated fashion to applications regardless of whether all that data is distributed over multiple databases, stored in different formats, and accessible through different database languages. It presents all these different data stores to the applications as one logical database.
Drivers and consequences of an innovative technology assimilation in the supply chain: cloud computing and supply chain integration
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2018
Juan Manuel Maqueira, José Moyano-Fuentes, Sebastián Bruque
Supply Chain Integration (SCI) (integration of financial, physical and information flows) consists of cooperation, interaction and collaboration through all of the links that shape the supply chain (Ellinger, Daugherty, and Keller 2000; Pagell 2004). Financial, physical and information flows must be aligned (Pagell 2004; Rai, Patnayakuni, and Seth 2006) to achieve high integration of the supply chain. IT tools are used in supply chains by companies seeking such alignment and integration (Gorkhali and Xu 2016; Swink, Narasimhan, and Wang 2007; Wang, Tai, and Grover 2013; Xu 2011b, 2015). Thus, nowadays the change in technology and business enables real-time communication between business processes, suppliers and buyers, showing IT to be a tool that facilitates the development of extended enterprise information integration among supply chain partners (Gorkhali and Xu 2016; Xu 2015; Yang et al. 2016; Yang, Shen, and Wang 2018). Although it may seem evident to foresee a positive association between the use of IT in the supply chain and the level of SCI, this relationship has not yet been scrutinised in the literature. So, while there is evidence that IT is a necessary condition for a sound SCI in order to constructed (for example, Alyahya, Wang, and Bennett 2016; Nikander 2017), there is also some prior research that casts doubt on the relationship between the isolated use of IT and SCI (Cagliano, Caniato, and Spina 2006).
EOS: enterprise operating systems
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2018
Joseph Rahme Youssef, Gregory Zacharewicz, David Chen, François Vernadat
In the mid 1980s, under the framework of the European ESPRIT Programme, the AMICE consortium launched the CIMOSA project (CIM Open System Architecture) to develop Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) solutions (AMICE 1993). One of the results of the project is a proposal of an ‘Integrating InfraStructure’ (IIS) for CIM. This is the first ambitious initiative to combine enterprise model execution and enterprise information integration in one platform to develop large integrated manufacturing systems. Although the proposal did not lead to any commercial product, its concepts and principles have been reused in several initiatives after the project.