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Published in Philip A. Laplante, Comprehensive Dictionary of Electrical Engineering, 2018
effective aperture edge detector, gradient filter, Marr-Hildreth operator, Sobel operator, straight edge detection. edge elements the basis functions that are associated with the edges of the discretizing elements (such as triangles, tetrahedrals, etc.) in a numerical method such as finite element method. edge enhancement a type of image processing operation where edges are enhanced in contrast, such as by passing only the high spatial frequencies in an image. edge guide two conductor transmission lines in which one of the conductors is a thin sheet of width substantially larger than the gap to the second conductor. The guided wave is largest at the edge or boundary of the thin sheet conductor, standing across to the second conductor, and propagating in the direction of the thin sheet conductor edge or boundary. edge-sensitive pertaining to a bistable device that uses the edge of a positive or negative pulse applied to the control input, to latch, capture, or store the value indicated by the data inputs. edge-triggered See edge-sensitive. Edison Electric Institute a trade group of investor-owned public electric utilities in the USA. edit distance the edit distance between two strings A and B is defined as Dedit = min{a + b + c} where B is obtained from A with a replacements, b insertions, and c deletions. There is an infinite number of combinations {a, b, c} to achieve this. One of the ways to find the minimum from these is dynamic programming. Edit distance is also called Levenshtein distance. EEG See electroencephalography.
Recognition and analysis of fabric texture by double-sided fusion of transmission and reflection images under compound light source
Published in The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2022
Mingzhu Fan, Na Deng, Binjie Xin, Runhu Zhu
Histogram equalization of dyed fabric images can improve the contrast, but further sharpening is needed to get better effect of weave float classification. Sharpening is the process of edge enhancement. Laplacian algorithm is a classical linear quadratic differential operator, which has rotation invariance and can meet the requirements of image edge sharpening in different directions. The mathematical expression of the operator is as follows:
A Novel Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Correlation Measurement of Visible Image for Urban Traffic Surveillance Systems
Published in Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020
Jingyue Chen, Xiaomin Yang, Lu Lu, Qilei Li, Zuoyong Li, Wei Wu
Homogeneous image enhancement is to enhance the image by only exploiting the information of one single type image. Homogeneous image enhancement, which includes histogram correction, edge enhancement, noise removal, and amplitude scaling (Tao et al., 2017), is a traditional image enhancement technique. This method is simple and effective for certain images, but it is not applicable to all images.