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Transport Networks and Protocols
Published in Mário Marques da Silva, Cable and Wireless Networks, 2018
The FR address field includes the following subfields: DLCI: It is used to identify a certain hop of a virtual circuit. The DLCI is the 10-bit address of the FR.Extended address (EA) bit: A bit set to 1 in the last octet of the DLCI.C/R: Not used.Forward explicit congestion notification bit: A bit set to 1 in a frame received by an FR switch, from a congested link.Backward explicit congestion notification bit: A bit set to 1 in a frame transmitted by an FR switch, to a congested link.Discard eligibility bit: When the discard eligibility bit is set to 1, in case of congestion, the frame can be dropped.
Data Link Control for Optical Network
Published in Partha Pratim Sahu, Fundamentals of Optical Networks and Components, 2020
The values of DLCI indicate different frame relay connections. The DLCI 0 represents a frame relay connection between user and frame handler. The DLCI 8191 indicates the management procedures. The representations of different values of DLCI are mentioned in Q.931 and Q.933.
Content distribution networks
Published in Philip J. Cianci, Technology and Workflows for Multiple Channel Content Distribution, 2012
The Data Link Connection Index (DLCI) is a number assigned to each virtual circuit and DTE device in the Frame-Relay network. Two different devices are assigned the same DLCI within Frame-Relay network—one on each side of the virtual connection.
A Survey on Packet Switching Networks
Published in IETE Journal of Research, 2022
Data-link connection identifier (DLCI): A-Frame Relay network is a type of virtual circuit network. The frame relay uses a layer 2 address to indicate the Virtual Circuit called Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI). DLCIs are link-specific and can change as the link moves through the frame relay cloud. Ethernet switches rely on MAC addresses and make a decision based on them, whereas Frame-Relay switches make choices based on DLCIs [13].