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Software Design
Published in Richard C. Fries, Handbook of Medical Device Design, 2019
A key input to planning for medical device software is safety risk. The most important factor is the greatest severity of injury that can result from a software failure. The United States Food and Drug Administration calls this the “level of concern” of the software. Since the software can pose no greater risk of injury than the medical device it is a part of, the software level of concern cannot be greater than the risk of the device. It can possibly be lower if the software is not used to control critical device functions and if a software failure could only cause a lesser severity of injury than the device itself could. Understanding the software level of concern is important, because some choices in software methods and process are not appropriate for software with a high level of concern.
Features and How to Find Them
Published in Ivan Mistrik, Matthias Galster, Bruce R. Maxim, Software Engineering for Variability Intensive Systems, 2019
Jacob Krüger, Thorsten Berger, Thomas Leich
Features are a kind of software concern. While the latter term is more general, both terms are sometimes used synonymously (Wilde et al. 2003; Apel et al. 2013). A concern is defined as an area of interest in a system; in software-product-line engineering, features are the concerns of primary interest (Apel et al. 2013). However, the broad definition of concerns means that they comprise many kinds of entities in different contexts—for instance, studies on locating concerns include identifying code that causes a bug, corresponds to a requirement, or implements a feature (Wilde et al. 2003; Ko et al. 2006a). This results from the fact that an area of interest can be essentially anything. Thus, features are a specific kind of concern, but not all concerns are features (Wilde et al. 2003).
Tools For Analysis
Published in James J Y Hsu, Nanocomputing, 2017
In selecting the programming languages Fortran (Formula Translator) and C++ will do the job. Java, PERL, PhP are internet-ready tools for expanding to the server technology. The issues for developing computer programs are usability, scalability, portability and versatility. Other concerns are the robustness, development cost (time to market), maintenance and user interface. The built-in functions in MATLAB with its software suites, greatly ease the programming effort. This is rather useful especially when a scientific or engineering problem is not well defined, and quick answers on a few conjectures are most desirable. MATLAB reduces the overhead in programming, the time to get the right answer, and the effort to visualize the result. Unless a problem has its mathematical formulation well defined, it is impractical to start programming a large code. This is where MATLAB would make a great difference. To develop a large application program, C++ is still the recommended choice. The C or C++ language lets the user inherit Graphical User Interface (GUI) objects. It could be very beneficial especially when codes are being designed for commercial purpose.
Adaptation of FEM-based open-source software for ship structural analysis
Published in Ships and Offshore Structures, 2023
Pero Prebeg, Marin Palaversa, Jerolim Andric, Matea Tomicic
The primary concern in software development process is that the resulting software satisfies requirements of all relevant stakeholders in the process. In their seminal work on object-oriented design and analysis, Booch et al. (2007) list the following steps of the process: definition of requirements, analysis and design, implementation, testing and deployment. However, each domain of application of the developed software has specific features to be taken into consideration during the process. For example, structural analysis, part of ship structural design, is highly dependent on CSs requirements. If the developed software cannot fulfil the requirements, its usefulness in engineering practice or in scientific work is questionable. Therefore, in addition to applying best practices in software development, all parties involved in the ship structural design process should participate in identification, elaboration and assessment of all steps necessary to ensure confidence in the developed software.