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Introduction to Python
Published in Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, Hassen Ghalila, Ahmed Ammar, L. Srinivasa Varadharajan, Understanding Optics with Python, 2018
Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, Hassen Ghalila, Ahmed Ammar, L. Srinivasa Varadharajan
However, it is advisable to join strings with a ‘+’. When the operator ‘+’ has two string operands, it is referred to as the concatenation operator. Hence, we will get In [10]: "Hello" + " World!" Out[10]: ’Hello World!’
Improving Efficiency and Accuracy in English Translation Learning: Investigating a Semantic Analysis Correction Algorithm
Published in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2023
Here is a general overview of the Dependency Tree-to-String Model: Traversal Order: The model defines a specific traversal order for visiting the nodes of the dependency tree. Common traversal strategies include preorder, in-order, or post-order traversal.Word Concatenation: As the model traverses the nodes of the dependency tree according to the defined order, it concatenates the words associated with each node. The concatenation can be performed in a specified manner, such as adding whitespace or punctuation between words to form a coherent string representation.Handling Dependencies: The model takes into account the syntactic dependencies between words while forming the string representation. It ensures that words governed by a particular node are placed appropriately concerning their governing word.Additional Processing: Depending on the specific implementation, the Dependency Tree-to-String Model may incorporate additional processing steps. These steps can involve handling special cases, such as multi-word expressions, handling punctuation marks, or applying language-specific rules for word order.
A lightweight authentication scheme for telecare medical information system
Published in Connection Science, 2021
Lijun Xiao, Songyou Xie, Dezhi Han, Wei Liang, Jun Guo, Wen-Kuang Chou
Table 2 shows the ProVerif symbols corresponding to the symbols of the proposed scheme. Figure 3(a) defines some relevant parameters of the scheme: ch and sch represent public and secret channel, respectively, R1, R2 are the key authentication information of the scheme, SKS is the session key jointly established by tag and server, IDi and IDj are the identity information for the tag and the server respectively. Then ProVerif defines 8 basic functions. “PUF” and “PUFM” represent the physical unclonable functions. “xor” represents the xor algorithm. “add” is the addition function. “min” represents the subtraction function. “mul” represents the scalar multiplication function. “PRNG” stands for pseudo random number generator. “con” is a function of string concatenation. ProVerif also defines the events in the equation and scheme. Finally, ProVerif queries about the security of the key R1, R2, SKS and tested whether the authentication process is reasonable.
PolyMorph: Increasing the Spelling Efficiency of P300 by Selection Matrix PolyMorphism and Sentence-Based Predictions
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2018
Alberto Casagrande, Joanna Jarmolowska, Marcello Maria Turconi, Pierpaolo Busan, Francesco Fabris, Piero Paolo Battaglini
A radix tree (Morrison, 1968) is a tree used to memorize a set of strings. The edges of the tree are labeled by texts and, in the case of edges leaving the same node, the labels are pairwise distinct. Any node is associated to the string corresponding to the concatenation of all the labels in the path that connects the root to the node itself. In particular, each internal node of the tree represents a string , which is a maximal common prefix of at least two strings in the original data set. The root of the tree is associated with the empty string, and the leafs represent the strings stored in the tree itself.