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Global Satellite Observations for Smart Cities
Published in Amir H. Alavi, William G. Buttlar, Data Analytics for Smart Cities, 2018
Zhong Liu, Menglin S. Jin, Jacqueline Liu, Angela Li, William Teng, Bruce Vollmer, David Meyer
NASA satellite-based data products at the GES DISC are also accessible (NASA 2017i) via other Web services and protocols including https (the data archive), OPeNDAP, WMS, GDS, etc. These protocols support for data downloading activities such as daily operations on the user’s side. The https method provides direct access to product archives. OPeNDAP, WMS, GDS, etc. provide remote access to individual variables within datasets in a form usable by many tools and software packages such as IDV, McIDAS-V, Panoply, Ferret, GrADS, etc. OPeNDAP is a framework that simplifies all aspects of scientific data networking and makes local data accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format (OPeNDAP 2017). OPeNDAP software is freely available to anyone. WMS is a standard Web protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the Internet generated by a map server using data from a GIS database and the specifications developed and published by the Open Geospatial Consortium in 1999 (WMS 2017). The GDS, is a stable, secure data server that provides subsetting and analysis services across the Internet (GDS 2017). The core of the GDS is OPeNDAP, a software framework used for data networking that makes local data accessible to remote locations.
NASA Satellite–Based Global Precipitation Products and Services for Drought
Published in Saeid Eslamian, Faezeh Eslamian, Handbook of Drought and Water Scarcity, 2017
Zhong Liu, Dana Ostrenga, William Teng, Steven J. Kempler, Bruce Vollmer
A wide variety of data services are available at the GES DISC, providing different ways for accessing and exploring these global precipitation data products. Basic capabilities, such as subsetting and format conversion, are among the most basic services that users are after. Giovanni TOVAS provides quick data visualization and analysis without downloading data and software, greatly simplifying data access for novices. The data comparison tools in TOVAS allow online comparison of different precipitation products including different versions in a user-defined region of interest and time span. These tools provide a means to understand differences in several popular precipitation products, such as systematic difference and biases. The concept of data rods was described along with a prototype in a very popular desktop tool, CUAHSI-HIS, in the hydrologic community. Two online map services were mentioned. The website for current conditions at the GES DISC allows a quick view of drought conditions in different regions around the world. The 10-day TMPA precipitation and its normalized anomaly maps can be displayed in the USDA Crop Explorer, along with other similar products and more. The Crop Explorer provides an integrated online environment for drought monitoring activities. Other data accessing methods mentioned are OPeNDAP, WMS, etc., which are frequently used in drought monitoring applications.
Multi-scale hydrological system-of-systems realized through WHOS: the brokering framework
Published in International Journal of Digital Earth, 2022
Enrico Boldrini, Stefano Nativi, Silvano Pecora, Igor Chernov, Paolo Mazzetti
The implemented access interfaces include: OPeNDAP (OPeNDAP 2017): the Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP) Data Access Protocol (DAP) interface provides scientific data access functionalities, including download and subset. The supported data encoding includes gridded and time series NetCDF as well as ASCII.OGC WCS (OGC 2018): the Web Coverage Service (WCS) interface provides multi-dimensional coverage data access (and processing) functionality, including download, subset, interpolation.CUAHSI WOF (OGC 2017): CUAHSI WaterOneFlow (WOF) provides a data access interface to download a specific subset of a time series, selected by its variable code and temporal period.USGS RDB (Engel 2003): an access interface enabling download and subset of time series and formatting the result according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) RDB format.ESRI Feature Service (ESRI 2021): it provides a data access interface to discover and query for geographic features (for example, station locations).